Thatcher Dead


Active Member
Cecil Nuston, 63, of Dowlish Wake in Cornwall this morning died in hospital after a rooftop accident yesterday. The cornish thatcher was attempting to install one of his trademark peacock finials to the crest of the village free-house when he slipped and fell sustaining a head injury.

He is survived by two sons
get practicing folks

after me on the count of three




*sings* ding dong the............
Will be a sad day when she passes......a Great Woman!!!!!
Dragged this country, kicking & screaming out of the middle ages!!!
Damn, you got my hopes up for a second! She'll rot in hell! I hate this woman, her insulting comments and complete disregard for human rights. Would have cuddled up to Hitler (well, she certainly cuddled up to Pinochet!).
jjinit said:
Will be a sad day when she passes......a Great Woman!!!!!
Dragged this country, kicking & screaming out of the middle ages!!!

jj - hope this is sarcasm!!!

yuppies, fat cats and loadsamoney lappped it up in the 80s whilst everyone else lived in squalor...............thatcher had no positive impact on my upbringing/life whatsoever.

a la russ.........ding dong the witch is dead!!!

hate her like rickaroo :evil: :evil: :evil:
sorry boys, whilst I disagree with a lot of what she did, I cant help having a soft spot for the old bird, and she kept my old boy in work and me in short trousers after labour & the unions had screwed him big time!!

sorry.....we can still be friends can't we?? ;)
jjinit said:
Dragged this country, kicking & screaming out of the middle ages!!!
Strange... wouldn't have thought your train system would have worked better in the middle ages than afterwards :lol:
jjinit said:
sorry boys, whilst I disagree with a lot of what she did, I cant help having a soft spot for the old bird, and she kept my old boy in work and me in short trousers after labour & the unions had screwed him big time!!

sorry.....we can still be friends can't we?? ;)

for every one person who did ok out of hitler's bitch, there are 1000 whose lives went back 40 years to the days similar to smoggy london and dull, unispiring existences.

i can't believe how injust our society was less than 20 years ago.

(suppose we can be friends)
the rail network has been in steady decline for years.

even if the tories left it in a shit state, after 8 yrs labour really has got to grips with the problem havent they.

chewie_oo7 said:
the rail network has been in steady decline for years.

even if the tories left it in a crap state, after 8 yrs labour really has got to grips with the problem havent they.

It took over a decade of Conservative rule to throw it into decay... not sure why you think it could be fixed so fast :rolleyes:
Morbyd said:
chewie_oo7 said:
the rail network has been in steady decline for years.

even if the tories left it in a crap state, after 8 yrs labour really has got to grips with the problem havent they.

It took over a decade of Conservative rule to throw it into decay... not sure why you think it could be fixed so fast :rolleyes:

I do think privatisation was a bad idea, esp when you look at the railways of france & spain et al our railways are gash!!!
are you telling me the UK rail network was a shining beacon of world transport post WW2 till 1979?

the incumbant govt could improve things by renationalising it, but wont cos it;ll take the cash away from that great white elephant called the NHS.
Morbyd said:
chewie_oo7 said:
the rail network has been in steady decline for years.

even if the tories left it in a crap state, after 8 yrs labour really has got to grips with the problem havent they.

It took over a decade of Conservative rule to throw it into decay... not sure why you think it could be fixed so fast :rolleyes:

8 years should show a slight improvement though? rather than just doubling in fares and only slightly fewer late trains..
thats just down to piss poor management by the individual rail companies. to which the govt can do bugger all about.