Thailand - Bangkok / Koh Samui

The full moon party was pretty OK, I went a couple of time 2000 and 2001 and 2006.

Its OK, I definitely had some mad adventures. The only thing is it is rammed full of people who are absolutely mullered on cheap booze (mainly buckets), so you see a fair bit of unpleasantness and aggro. I recall seeing one bloke hit his missus square in the face, almost lifted her off her feet. Took me about 4 minutes to process what I had seen. Given I was on a 4 day diet of speed pills, mushroom shakes and whisky was a bit too late stepping in to play the hero.

It's easy to get carried away on the sauce and other bits and pieces, looking back I wouldn't risk it again, but they were crazier times. Digging for treasure in the jungle swamp, hiding under the bed from the bats and Chairman Mao, my ability to make blue smoke appear from my feet. Never got any pictures of that as my mate threw his camera into the sea when it got possesed. Hey ho.

Anyway if you need a break koh tao is a great little island, especially for diving. I don't know what it is like now but they used to have very nice quiet restaurants on the beach, the power was only on for 8 hours a day. I spent a week doing nothing but eating, reading, smoking thai ciggies and playing frisbee. Most chilled I ever been.
It's easy to get carried away on the sauce and other bits and pieces, looking back I wouldn't risk it again, but they were crazier times. Digging for treasure in the jungle swamp, hiding under the bed from the bats and Chairman Mao, my ability to make blue smoke appear from my feet. Never got any pictures of that as my mate threw his camera into the sea when it got possesed. Hey ho.

LMFAO sounds like you were off your head for most of it :lol:
Thanks for the advice... will check some of this stuff out.

Seems like we are on the right side of the island... Chaweng sounds a bit wrong.

Just looked at the 5 day forecast... rain. 8)
Koh Samui? Man...I LOVE that place. The Green Mango is a great club. Gotta say my favorite bar is Henry Afrikas. Free billiards and cheap drinks. Open air and very friendly girls. They may have changed the name of the bar but it's right down from The Green Mango, and directly across from Dream Girls.....which is also quite a place...:D. You want any other info, let me know. I've been there quite a few times. You'll have a BLAST!! OH....and don't forget the Reggea Pub. Huge and sometimes have live bands. It's pretty awesome!
The Fullmoon is a MUST do..... and I agree with previous posters Koh Phangon is more laid back , I prefer it to Koh Samui.... I recommend the Palita Lodge for your stay there. Not the cheapest place but good rooms, and Right on the beach where the action is.... Just remember to "Check" the package.....