Terrace vs main room


So I'm a lil curious, particularly w space and amnesia as I'll be spending so much time there, what are the terraces like compared to main rooms? Ok I really like the lightshows, dancers, the whole package. I know it's always supposed to be about the music, and it is, but bro, when those lights start going crazy I lose it. My question is basically this: from that perspective, which rooms in Ibiza are most impressive?
that's really a personal taste question I think.

my favourites are
amnesia terrace
space discoteca
dc10 terrace

find your own favourites :)
that's really a personal taste question I think.

my favourites are
amnesia terrace
space discoteca
dc10 terrace

find your own favourites :)
Thx Stivi, I plan to. For some reason the amnesia terrace looks like my scene as well, but will have to see
I always found amnesia terrace better, maybe because it feels less crowded/hemmed in.

Space, I like all the rooms and tend to wander lol. I do actually like the 2 smoking rooms in space. .. good places to chat and meet people
Amnesia terrace reminds me of my old school assembly hall. I prefer the main room, the crowd feels less like an audience in there.
Sorry to keep w the questions guys, but what are your opinions on soundsystems in Ibiza? Personally I love funktion1's sound, so I'm really looking forward to Space in that regard, but what are your opinions? Sorry bout all the questions I'm just really anxious and curious lol I appreciate it
IMO space main room (discoteca) has the best soundsysten by a mile. powerful and very clear.

other places such as amnesia, dc10, privilege and sankeys also have really strong soundsystems (lets's be honest, they all put the volume up too much), but they just don't match space discoteca in terms of sound quality.

obviously just my opinion. what does everyone else think?
IMO space main room (discoteca) has the best soundsysten by a mile. powerful and very clear.

other places such as amnesia, dc10, privilege and sankeys also have really strong soundsystems (lets's be honest, they all put the volume up too much), but they just don't match space discoteca in terms of sound quality.

obviously just my opinion. what does everyone else think?
IMO space main room (discoteca) has the best soundsysten by a mile. powerful and very clear.

other places such as amnesia, dc10, privilege and sankeys also have really strong soundsystems (lets's be honest, they all put the volume up too much), but they just don't match space discoteca in terms of sound quality.

obviously just my opinion. what does everyone else think?
I think you are right.
See now this is something that gets me really excited. Sure I've done plenty of research, as I'm kinda obsessed w decked out clubs, and specifically sound quality, but to hear you guys, who have been many times, credit the discoteca w the clearest in Ibiza. Really gets me excited cause I've had a really great relationship w mansion, miami's funktion1 system for years, but they've been going downhill w their bookings and it breaks my heart cause I love that place, lol sorry now I'm just rambling, but thx you guys are getting me real stoked
Yeah I agree with Stivi! The Space main room sound system is definitely the crispest.....all this chat is just making me want to go immediately :(.
I totally agree with Space Discoteca...IMO the best Soundsystem on the island. But to be honest, everytime I walk into Space Terraza I´m really impressed by the sound as well!
For me Amnesia Main has the nicest Sound System, powerfull and warm. I love F1s and Space, but the accoustic in Space Discoteca isn't perfect. The Sound is "too" crisp and cold imo, even some bad Sound reflections. It got obvious to me, when i heard Sven, and Liebing aswell in a short period playing both Clubs