Temperature at night, do I need a jumper yet?

in ibz clubs its always hot, a way to make u go to the bar
Eden Heart are among warm places...
Don't know how people can manage the sweat in tshirt, and not wear tank tops, for those in shirt :D what about suit n a tie? :lol:
For Closing just pray for no Rain Light & Thunder as it always happens (amnesia closing 16, for those that reminds)
The cold stuff at night n morning is nothin in comparison to an ibiz ghostown because of Hard
All we want is the SUN !
I am looking forward to going mid october! Just hope the weather is there in the day to lounge around the pool, otherwise its having a good drink at the bar!

Wise to pack some jeans and jumpers, especially as I will be coming back on a night flight. Most likely to piss down and be 8 degrees when I land at BHX.

Wear shorts and t-shirt to clubs as expect it to be hot and sweaty, just have a quick change before you leave hotel
Sat outside Rita's last week freezing my bollocks off and shivering. Might have been a bit of sunstroke due to being on a boat all day (and my god does being at sea stop you realise you're being burned) but I also noted a few people walking past in jumpers and long sleeves, mainly locals too which is always a sign. Went out a few hours later in a shirt with a t-shirt underneath - regretted that decision once I arrived at Amnesia for Cream!

I'm always cold though, so it depends on the person. I know British people who considered it "hot" today here in the North of England and were in a t-shirt and shorts. I nearly caught hypothermia going outside for 10 minutes and have had the heating on.
Might have been a bit of sunstroke due to being on a boat all day (and my god does being at sea stop you realise you're being burned)

Wind tan on a powerboat in and out of the sea is the fastest way to get brown (with proper sunscreen) - 1 or 2 days of that early Season and you're set up for the Summer - with none of the sweaty toil of baking yourself on a sunbed !
Yeah, I'm peeling off sheets of skin like gaffa tape at the moment, but I've got an amazing tan. I'm lucky that I tan nicely, and quickly

A few days on the island and a bit of sunburn later, the locals start talking to me in Spanish in shops/bars/etc assuming I'm a native. I think I probably was meant to be but god f***ed up my place of birth by several hundred miles.
Yeah, I'm peeling off sheets of skin like gaffa tape at the moment, but I've got an amazing tan. I'm lucky that I tan nicely, and quickly

A few days on the island and a bit of sunburn later, the locals start talking to me in Spanish in shops/bars/etc assuming I'm a native. I think I probably was meant to be but god f***ed up my place of birth by several hundred miles.

:lol:. Have to confess one of the first things I do when I make it out to the Med after a grotty British Winter / Spring is hire a boat and get a very fast tan so I don't look like a tourist for very long !
13/10 - 16/10

Weather looks decent apart from the monday according to the ten day forecast.

Friday = 25c, 17c partly cloudy
Saturday = 24c, 17c sunny
Sunday = 24, 17c partly cloudy
Monday = 23c, 17c scattered showers
Strange reading people were cold at night. I went 20-27th of September and didn't take any jackets or jumpers. I'm also about 2 stone wet through. Wasn't cold once. Although I did spend several nights under the influence....those beer coats really do work after all!
I wasnt cold once and we all wore shorts and tees sitting up all night till sunrise twice.
First night ended up so messy we watched the sunrise on figuretas beach and my mates went in the sea off their nut in the boxers, one of em walked out packing the biggest lunch box ive ever seen so close to my face :eek:
He's now nicknamed Linford after the sprinter :lol: