No longer active
Dates you were there: 1st - 8th august
Where you stayed (resort/hotel): Piscis Park... awfull pool!
Club nights visited: We love..., cocoon, Uderground, Cream
Best night: Tie between Cocoon and We love
Worst night: Cream, Sasha was boring!
Best bar:
Best place to eat: Zebra
Money spent: c. £800
Biggest regret: Getting swine flu in the last 2 days, not having a.c in the hotel,
Going back?: Not for a few years, if i do will book a nicer hotel!
Top tip: Go early to cocoon, que was a disgusting experience, but worth it! Plus the are behind the dj booth in the discoteca in Space is no longer vip, and is a great place to dance with plenty of room in nice cool a.c. Got some wicked vids of james Zabiela!
Aww your back good time then?? What time did you go to We Love? How busy on a scale of 1-10 was cocoon? Lol what was Underground like and what night did you go there?