Teach Yourself Spanish CDs

sweet sensation

Active Member
Ok, Ive done a search on here and didnt find much info, so Im asking you all what are the best cds to get for teaching yourself spanish?

I have a very basic knowledge, but it is very basic. I went to a class years ago but have forgotten a lot of it :oops:

I want to get some cds as me and my fiance (I love saying that word lol :rolleyes: ) spend a lot of time in our cars and thought it would be a good way to learn as we drive :D

Ive heard of Michael Thomas but ideally at the mo would like to spend as little money as possible (paying for 2 weddings is an expensive task :eek: )

Cheers :D
going to evening classes is by far the best way to do it - bar living in the host country! local colleges, universities, etc will all provide spanish classes.:D

have a look here, http://www.spotlight-forums.com/showthread.php?t=41272

yeah I saw that thread but i cant justify going to a class at the mo for loads of reasons unfortunately :(

I cant afford it
any spare time I do get I have to do my interior design course
we are going to be moving down south later on this year so there is no point starting a course here
my fiance works late most evenings so wouldnt be able to go

we both want to go to a class eventually but thought some cds could keep us going in the meantime ;)
I collected them all every day when some newspaper were giving them away free, ive only listened to the one though so far :oops::lol:
Michel Thomas is excellent. I've done his 8 cd course, and just finished the advanced 4 cds - they are really really good. Because there are no books, you can listen to them whenever you want - i've got them on my ipod and listen on the tube, or in the car. He also builds up the building blocks of the language really effectively and easily, instead of just teaching you a whole load of phrases that you'll never need. I got them for Costco for £20.

I've tried a couple of others and they are not nearly as good.
I am glad someone started this thread I really really want to learn Spanish - dont ask me why its just something I would like to achieve :lol:
my dad did the michel thomas course last year, he came on really quickly.

By the end he was really good but left trying to make literal translations which dont work also he lacked listening experience.

He started doing a weekly evening class at the local 6th form college though and went straight onto their advanced class. It was 120 sterlings to enrole.
I think I could prob pick it up eventually but the accent would do me in, I would want to be able to do it properly and know I would sound stupid!
Translate please :lol:
(im jealous of you)

:lol: My mother has brown hair :lol: Just what you need to know for every trip to Ibiza :oops: :lol:

In seriousness I did a 10 week beginner course last summer, then in October started a year course at our local university, I have learnt more than that but everytime I get drunk and try and talk Spanish to Silvia and Ferd I just keep telling them my mother has brown hair :confused: :oops: :lol:
:lol: My mother has brown hair :lol: Just what you need to know for every trip to Ibiza :oops: :lol:

In seriousness I did a 10 week beginner course last summer, then in October started a year course at our local university, I have learnt more than that but everytime I get drunk and try and talk Spanish to Silvia and Ferd I just keep telling them my mother has brown hair :confused: :oops: :lol:

Well at least your trying! :lol:
my dad did the michel thomas course last year, he came on really quickly.

By the end he was really good but left trying to make literal translations which dont work also he lacked listening experience.

i don't have the literal translations problem, but i have studied french so that probably helps. Learn one language, your 1/2 way there to learning a whole load more...

But yeah - i'm bad at understanding spoken spanish as he teaches the grammar mainly, so my vocab is rubbish. But thats something you can learn yourself by reading more, and maybe a spanish conversation class once in a while wouldn't hurt...
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Michel Thomas is excellent. I've done his 8 cd course, and just finished the advanced 4 cds - they are really really good. Because there are no books, you can listen to them whenever you want - i've got them on my ipod and listen on the tube, or in the car. He also builds up the building blocks of the language really effectively and easily, instead of just teaching you a whole load of phrases that you'll never need. I got them for Costco for £20.

I've tried a couple of others and they are not nearly as good.

I've managed to get these cd's and started listening today, but it sounds like the bloke is constantly eating in the background! Its really off putting.