TARA REID in ibiza!!


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Reid it and Weep

"Professional party girl/boob flasher, Tara Reid, is seething after her Balenciaga handbag (worth a whopping £2000) was pinched from under her nose at Ibiza airport. If that wasn’t bad enough, the bag also contained £100 000 worth of jewellery! The American Pie star who is currently touring Europe for her new TV series, Wild On Tara, was said to be ‘hysterical’ when she noticed her valuables had been swiped.

Her friend told the press, “In the bag Tara had her Rolex watch, which was of huge sentimental value to her, plus her personal jewellery collection. The police said the likelihood of catching the thief was slim."" Tara recently said that Ibiza was one of her favourite places in the world – bet she wishes she could take that back!



tara reid @ privilege
yo man i seen her show just to see if it was like wild on w/ brooke burke...and this girl is really umm how can i say ...ummm stupid... she was talking like a damn child not even i think my daughter speaks better than she does...she was talking about war oohhh my gosh... who the heck put her on tv...???????? She is goofy... i guess thats what makes it entertainin... lol..
How cosmopolitan is this girl - she didn't know about the curse of the missing luggage in Ibiza? Please - they keep cheap bags for two days before returning them. Did she actually check that Balenciaga?! :eek:
But then in her defence, she has been in loads of sucsessful movies including all the American Pie ones, and manages to bag herself a job where she travels around Europe Partying in styleee all summer. Maybe she's not as stupid as she looks?
yea f*** that ho, she aint even hot. Im glad she got her shit taken. Why would anyone feel sorry for her? If i had seen her ass in Ibiza i would have spit one of those beers that cost me 10 euro, right her in face hahahaha.
rossi619 said:
yea *beep* that ho, she aint even hot. Im glad she got her shit taken. Why would anyone feel sorry for her? If i had seen her ass in Ibiza i would have spit one of those beers that cost me 10 euro, right her in face hahahaha.

So I take it your not a fan! :confused:
rossi619 said:
yea *beep* that babe, she is hot. Im sad she got her shit taken. If i had seen her ass in Ibiza i would have rubbed in one of those beers that cost me 10 euro, right her in ass. I love her mamamama.

:lol: :lol:
rossi619 said:
yea *beep* that ho, she aint even hot. Im glad she got her shit taken. Why would anyone feel sorry for her? If i had seen her ass in Ibiza i would have spit one of those beers that cost me 10 euro, right her in face hahahaha.

you're glad she got her shit taken because 'she aint even hot'.....

figures.. :lol:
chewie_oo7 said:
she sounds like she smokes 40 marlboro reds... but id still *beep* her.

I'm shocked. Thats the last sort of comment I would expect Chewie to post on this type of thread.