Tall Paul Review Or Not...


New Member
Hey, just using the computer at my folks as I think mine has died and its Sun and I'm not at work :D

My Tall Paul review really isn't going to happen because I only really heard him play for 1/2 hour. My friends and I have get VIP lounge access at B&H events which this was so we went to the lounge as it is normally less crowded...The lounge has windows that open up to the larger club which allows you to hear the headliners, however for this event they didn't do that. TP played in the main club and the lounge had two other dj's spinning for the night.
My friends and I went down for a bit but it was too packed and it seemed like everyone was just walking aimlessly...Needless to say I am not a huge fan of trance so we pretty much stayed in the lounge. The guys upstairs David and Remy (who are brothers and I believe they are homegrown talents) were spinning some really good house. They were mixing to the likes of Tenaglia, Lawler, Tomeii and Digweed.... :D :D

Regarding the glowstick kids as I'm sure you want to know, they were more than usual but nothing to excessive (who knows what these people are thinking, or for that matter even if they are thinking)...I'm also glad to report that there were no glowstick mishaps to report. :D

Overall a very fun evening with Tall Paul being the side dish to dinner.
glad to hear the night was good, and the 'glowsticks' weren't too bad hehehehe!!!

sounds like a wickid club
Rob, No glowstick incidents but I did lock myself in the bathroom 8O , It was actually very funny, I think my smoky smokes were making me a bit disoriented/hyper and I didn't realize that I needed to turn the door handle to exit, so I kept knocking on the door hoping one of the people waiting in line would try the door, which they didn't after a couple of tries I finally realized what I was doing wrong...Talk about feeling like an idiot I think I've only been to this club a million times....I decided not to tell my friends about this incident for fear of being teased for the rest of my life.... 8) :? 8)
Sounds like you had been smokin one glow-stick too mant Beeb? Good job you didn't tell your mates....better keep it quiet by printing the incident on the internet! :lol: A couple of questions still remain though......how Tall actually, is Tall Paul? What constitutes being called "Tall"? I bet he's 3ft 2 and needs to stand on a milk crate....
Fox really do you think my friends know who I am on this site? No...and if they did well I'm sure I'm creative enough to come up with a reasonable excuse...Also I believe Tall Paul is really tall he was in the DJ booth that is located overlooking the club on the opposite side of the lounge but from what I could tell he actuall is quite tall. Marketing genius's I tell you...
Dr Fox said:
Sounds like you had been smokin one glow-stick too mant Beeb? Good job you didn't tell your mates....better keep it quiet by printing the incident on the internet! :lol: A couple of questions still remain though......how Tall actually, is Tall Paul? What constitutes being called "Tall"? I bet he's 3ft 2 and needs to stand on a milk crate....

LOL Tall Paul is actually 6ft 6..........and in my eyes that is bloody tall! :P
Beeb n Babs.....according to my sources Tall Paul was originally going to give himself the less-impressive, but altogether, ironic name of Small Paul. However, worried that people might mistake this in to thinking he was talking about his trouser department he resorted to the name Tall Paul.......truth or lie....it's a fine line.
Dr Fox said:
Beeb n Babs.....according to my sources Tall Paul was originally going to give himself the less-impressive, but altogether, ironic name of Small Paul. However, worried that people might mistake this in to thinking he was talking about his trouser department he resorted to the name Tall Paul.......truth or lie....it's a fine line.

LOL sounds like bollox matey but definitely a good line :P ;)