Sydney House Clubs/Bars


Active Member
Any Aussies here recommend a few up for it clubs/bars (house) in Sydney?

thanks for the info!
There's a wicked Sunday party on at the Greenwood Hotel in North Sydney from about 2pm til 11pm (in the summer only) called 'Sounds on Sunday' - fabulous!

There's another place called The Chinese Laundry under the Slip Inn on Sussex Street which I used to love going to - I think they open up all three bars and call it Vibes on a Summers Day these days, but not been.

You could also check out Home at Cockle Bay (Darling Harbour) and Gas for bigger clubs.
I should warn you that my knowledge is now about 3 years old, so some resident aussies might be able to tell you different!
I think you may be fairly accurate about the Sounds on Sunday place, a friend was there, a couple of years, yeah he said it was great. Sounds (loves the pun) a bit like Bora Bora! Make mine a soundgria!