Surburban Garden Ideas

Do you own your property in Moscow or just rent? is it stupid prices to buy or does everyone just rent out there?
I rent. Wish I'd bought when I first moved here but I didn't really have the capital back then.

Now, it's stupid prices. My apartment would probably cost nearly a million dollars to own
(good remodeling job, top floor, overlooking river, good neighborhood, shopping nearby)

Aside from a couple of small neighborhoods on the edge of town, it's all multi-story buildings here (5 floors or more) until you leave the city limits, so no gardens for us. :cry: (although if you're lucky your building will have a nice, well-kept courtyard)

I do occasionally miss living in a house like where I grew up. Don't really miss being in the suburbs though.
On the same theme, what type of wardrobes would you put in the new top floor of Buckley Towers. Solid oak floor with teak skirting:


Dark wood or light wood wardrobes?
How about something like this?

We're doing a job soon like this - cost = approx. £12k - London weighting and to an old friend call it a round £24k ;)
How about something like this?

We're doing a job soon like this - cost = approx. £1.2k - London weighting and to an old friend call it a round £2.4k ;)

Looks good sir!

I've taken note of your broken '.' key and corrected above and you're on!