Surburban Garden Ideas


Well-Known Member

So Spotlight sages - what colour would you paint that back wall? And raised decking there, perhaps with a railing, or something else?
Get some fruit trees/bushes and herbs in it. Once planted, they pretty much look after themselves and it's good to get grub straight from the garden. 8)
sorry i mean area of brickwork rather that the area you live in!

sounded a bit too 'location, location, location' on reading back
Having given more thought to this, personally I would get a really good paint job of the Pink Floyd's wall, with the place protruding. As you appear to want to be remain on speaking terms with the neighbors, nothing looks nicer than climbing roses through the summer. planted now, would be covering the wall by next year.
I would whack a trellis up and get a mixture of climbers going


these guys may have a solution that suits

Old client of mine in my Interbuild days.

Not sure they deal with joe public/end users but there will be a company out there that does ;)
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not sure if its a look you want but I painted my brick walls an antique cream and put up mirrors and picture frames at random places and grew plants around them - the mirrors reflect the garden back at you and really make the garden look so much deeper...

Still everyone's taste is different and you might think mine sounds **** - I love it tho 8)
not sure if its a look you want but I painted my brick walls an antique cream and put up mirrors and picture frames at random places and grew plants around them - the mirrors reflect the garden back at you and really make the garden look so much deeper...

Still everyone's taste is different and you might think mine sounds **** - I love it tho 8)

was going to suggest this too, seen it done elsewhere and looks pretty cool
i was looking out for you on tv last night mate!

I was the one at the back with a daft grin on my face

Although if I hear one more feckin vuvubleedinzela or whatever they are called then noses will be broken.....and don't get me started on people with flags!