Sun Glasses


Active Member
I do alot of driving about and this time of year with the sun very low its a mare driving about. Sooooooo...

I am looking for a classy pair of bins...I dont want chavvy bling type bits hanging off of them. Just something cool and understated.

Any names I should look out for?:)
You're definitely a bit of these sir!

Go on ebay and type in either Raybans or Diesel... you'll get and endless amount of shades and for half the price. Trust me ;)

If you just want something understated for driving I would recommend these:

Thats more like it although on reflection Buckleys suggestion are a close second:p:p:p

Yep these are kinda what Im looking for...good find Sirens;););)
Rayban Wayfarers are cool 8)

The original and best, i lost mine ages ago, i have 2 pairs right now but i want another pair:oops:, D&G avaitors which ive gotten great wear out of and one pair of 55 DSL (Diesel)but i agree about the Ray Bans although i prefer the Avaitors they are my next sunglasses purchase id say.8)8)8)

The original and best, i lost mine ages ago, i have 2 pairs right now but i want another pair:oops:, D&G avaitors which ive gotten great wear out of and one pair of 55 DSL (Diesel)but i agree about the Ray Bans although i prefer the Avaitors they are my next sunglasses purchase id say.8)8)8)


My friend has these but the mirrored version, he looks so cool driving about on his Vespa 8)
In fact i think ill go outside for a walk (im stunned it's late September and it's sunny out and 18 degrees today here8O)and wear my sunglasses8)