suggestions for 17 year old nights out


Hi, could anyone suggest a good night out for my 17 year old son and his mate who are a bit young for the big clubs and a bit too old to stay in at night. We will be staying in the campo outside of Santa Eulalia during the summer so nearby would be good. Es Canar or Cala Llonga are reasonably close but we don't know any decent places to leave them them! Cheers
They wont have any problems with being 17
last year i took my 16 year old brother with me and my mates for a week in ibiza (san antonio) so just let them have a night out :)
They'll be fine!! Just leave them in San Antonio with some taxi money and warn them about the naughty ladies

Yea San Antonio is probably the worst place to leave couple of kids alone to have a good time. Of course depends how mature they are, but since it's a big playground for British teens without any adult supervision or people with common sense, anything is not only possible but likely to happen. I seriously wouldn't let my kid to be alone in San an or any other place filled with British teens during night time. But then again I am not British.
Yea San Antonio is probably the worst place to leave couple of kids alone to have a good time. Of course depends how mature they are, but since it's a big playground for British teens without any adult supervision or people with common sense, anything is not only possible but likely to happen. I seriously wouldn't let my kid to be alone in San an or any other place filled with British teens during night time. But then again I am not British.

They're 17!! Its not as if they'll be oblivious to the world, I was there doing what I wanted when I was 18, theres not much difference in a year
i went to ibiza on my own on holiday when i was 17 and ended spending the summer working there.

i reckon they would have the time of their lives spending an evening/night in san an. let them watch the sunset and organise how they get back if you're worried about that. (taxi money for example) and then let them spread their wings.

if you want something nearer, then ibiza port could work or even playa d'en bossa.

as for san an, whilst the tone might not be particularly what most of us may be looking for from ibiza, it's much safer than any town or city in the UK on any given saturday night. moreover, i can guarantee that a 17 year old brit would much prefer a funtime in san an than watching the pennies in ibiza town's expensive bars.
Thanks for the suggestions, I was hoping for something a bit nearer, they did San An a couple of times last year but I would have to pick them up which isn't great at 5am. I think a taxi would be around 30 euros which is fine as one off but they are with me for 3 weeks so would start getting a little expensive if they got used to it! D'en Bossa is still probably a bit far in a taxi, anyone got any other ideas? Gringos is my nearest bar but I don't think they are ready for that either!
They'll be fine!! Just leave them in San Antonio with some taxi money and warn them about the naughty ladies

They're 17!! Its not as if they'll be oblivious to the world, I was there doing what I wanted when I was 18, theres not much difference in a year

Go to the hospital in Eivissa at night and you'll see what I am talking about. Brits tourists just seem to lose all control when they are in Ibiza.
Es Cana is perfect for you and your situation, drop the lads off (arrange taxi or pickup details) they can wander around,hang about,ogle etc.

When they are ready for their 'lite' beer (on tap) they should go to 'Tres Esquinas'
they will probably like the music, there is a pool room & fast food,lovely terrace,lots of youngsters of similar age,many of them girls !

Great fun, cheap and safe ............
How far are you from Gringo`s or Es Cana ? If they can get to & from either or a bus stop on their own, the Bus service is excellent over most of the Island 24 hrs during summer, save you having to drive,

Es Cana is very family orientated, They should be fine there, But I do agree with Grego about San An, I am far happier with my 16yr old daughter out there than in my old "little country town" let alone a UK city,
Maybe go down with them, Catch a band at an Ibby rocks or a Sunset, then have a wander about to put your mind at rest,
Then they can get the bus home for the rest of the holiday lol:D

Have a good one
If they can get to & from either or a bus stop on their own, the Bus service is excellent over most of the Island 24 hrs during summer, save you having to drive,

this is what I was thinking. The bus service in Ibiza is great and certainly a lot cheaper than taxi's.

As for being 17 and alone in San An, or anywhere in Ibiza for that matter, there's no problem with that. i first went to Ibiza when I was 17 with 2 friends. Stayed in San An and hit some of the big clubs (Space, Amnesia, Privilge & Pacha). If they've got the monay to spend going to the clubs then they'd be just as well going there as a night in the pubs of San An.
Yep, thats Gringo's, popped my head in the door but didn't stay,missus was outside in the car waiting! My kids love the go-karts!!
I have a house set off the old road to Santa Eulalia, the old road turning is at the Gringos corner, it presents another problem, I don't think buses go down my road, never seen one anyway. I'm about 2 miles from the 'Gringo' end and it's not the kind of road anyone would want to walk down at 5am and a bit the worse for wear, picking them up or a taxi are the best solutions, my son also went to Es Cana last year and they ended up walking home in the early morning sunshine, told me they spent the cab fare on light refreshments!
I think Es Cana is probably the place, anyone know any other bars there with music/17 year old girls etc...
Thanks for all the San An recomendations, I went there myself 20 years ago when I was a teenager and it was fantastic but I think it only works for teenagers if you have a room nearby too stagger back too. Trying to find the hotel I was staying in was hard enough, let alone crossing the island!
they could use the buses to get nearby then just jump a joe baxi when they were close to home?

the buses actually run from the clubs etc.