Subliminal Sessions with Erick Morillo (25/6/03)

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Definitely the BEST night we went to on the island in the week we were there. Pacha is easily the nicest club in my opinion. The style, the girls, the location, everything is brilliant. It was nicely crowded too and Erick and Harry were playing the best tunes we had heard all week. They are the masters of building up a tune from quiet (silence sometimes) into a big beat and the crowd were loving it. The best moment of the night was when he played Junior Jack - E Samba, the crowd went crazy, it was awesome!!

There was a few "freaks" on display, dangling from the ceiling and in a cage on the dancefloor for a while (which kinda got in the way). He also did a CD promotion (which he was admitting was shamelessly plugging his new Subliminal Session 5 CD (which is good btw)) but was done in a good way with a girl handing them out from a podium to the crazy crowd. The club is not too hot either and the terrace is always nice.

We went into the second room for a while which was playing hip hop (guess there's no need for a funky room when Erick and co are playing in the main room :)) and there was a guy doing a good human beatbox for a while. Didnt stay long tho as the main room was wicked

I definitely recommend going to Subliminal Session if you are there, the best night we went to all week!
Soudns good although, i cant stand it when he does those silences, bores me. And if the best tune of thenight was J jack then, well peeps on here know how i feel abou that :lol:
not saying it was the best tune of the night, just seemed to generate the best feeling in the crowd and really lifted everyone up, before playing a few amazing tunes to get it going big time

the silences were short dont get me wrong, and the crowd were well into it, begging him to kick into the big beats
I'm going to email subliminal with this thread, subliminal ambassador for London/Se no longer :P ;)
A thrilling night it was, silences or no silences! And we also liked DJ Heather, warming up the crowds before mr. Morillo and mr. Romero jumped in, a lot!

To us this was definetly the best night in our two weeks and yes, also it was also better than the Underwater-opening, the week before.
(Allthough there were 2 attemps to steal my wodka-limons... pityfull jerks)
N8 said:
I'm going to email subliminal with this thread, subliminal ambassador for London/Se no longer :P ;)

I'll always be Subliminal Ambassador for London/SE :P Erick wouldn't sack me, worse case scenario, he might just demote me to Northampton and the Isle of Man :P :lol: ;)
Who was the DJ DJing with E.M.?

We were there on that night and the star of the show in my opinion was (sorry everyone Esp. Barbie) was DJ Heather man she can work those decks :!:

(As a DJ) I was really looking forwards to E.M.s set but all he did was play C.D.s. Sorry to say this but (again in my opinion) he was not as hot as he was 2 or 3 years ago in M.O.S. - U.K.

The highlight of the night for us was just before he started his set, I gave one of the managers a $1 bill and asked him to give it to E.M. to sighn. E.M. did sighn it for us “Erick Morillo Subliminal”.

All said it was a top night and I look forwards to going back in 2004.
You should put the note on ebay :P :D

I really rate DJ Heather too, she plays at The End a bit.

I think the general consensus is that Erick's lost the plot a bit these days :roll: much as I hate to say it :cry:
Erick Morillo - 2nd July

Just back from Ibiza after another excellent 2 weeks. The last 2 years I was there I went to the gorgeous Pacha which I rate as the best club on the island alongside Space. As in previous years I went to see Erick Morillo of whom I've numerous subliminal sessions releases and I fully expected it to be the best nite of my hols. However aliens must have abducted Erick Morillo and his funky house record bag and replaced him and I kid you not, with a dj who was playin something akin toindustrial/ techno music. Perhaps this was a one off bad performance from the great man as he was literally staggering around the dj booth looking very drunk. There were a few glimpses around 6.30am of the old Morillo but I was very disappointed. No rich females vocals, piano or anything that resembled deep funky house. Aliens - please bring back the old Morillo!!!
Also at We Love Sundays opening at Space - Excellent, but Steve Lawlor is no Sasha (saw Sasha @ Space last Sept and he was superb. Manumission was also very good and it was good to see a higher profile on the nite from Mike & Clare Manumission!