


r they many if any strip clubs in ibiza? :oops: if so where and how much 8)
is there anywhere us girlies can you go and watch some strippers as ive been told theres a bar in the westend that does male lap dancers???

Or is my mate just winding me up??????
ibiza girlie has got it spot on

so true so true

just got to the beach and enjoy the view!! :D ;)

or go very left of salinas beach and enjoy a more naked view then before LOL LOL
[ said:
v[]orpheus]r they many if any strip clubs in ibiza? :oops: if so where and how much 8)

Are you the same []v[]orpheus off Flashkit?
Gotta say .. M kept gettig the hots over the girl on the poster for Secret Garden ..

Sheesh ... air brushed or what!
i think there is an underground male strip club not far from the west end. im not sure of the name. liquid, i think? its next to the club paraiso apartments