Strip Search in Space Car park?!

It always makes me cringe slightly but the kids that use it are just emulating each other so there's no malice involved, it's just 'acceptable' homophobia. The irritating part is that no one bloody questions it.

(Tuesday after Lovebox - allow me a small rant.)

And Guetta's music is ridiculously gay. :lol:
It always makes me cringe slightly but the kids that use it are just emulating each other so there's no malice involved, it's just 'acceptable' homophobia. The irritating part is that no one bloody questions it.

(Tuesday after Lovebox - allow me a small rant.)

And Guetta's music is ridiculously gay. :lol:

Am I allowed to hijack the somewhat acrimonious thread to post my first comment in about 2 years... Robder...How good was Lovebox on Sunday (rhetorical question)
Grace Jones was awesome 8)

I too and recovering but it was soo worth it ;)

You are! :lol:

Agree, it was bloody brilliant this year. Had such a great time.

Grace = Goddess, there's life in the old buzzard yet. 61 and buttocks like ball bearings.

"My mother used to wear a hat to church like this one...actually this is a bit bigger than hers" :lol: Class.

Downlow = rocked.

Derrick Carter in rizla = best set I've heard since errrr Derrick Carter at Corsica studios. 8)

Roll on next year.

AND it's my back garden which makes it all the better. 8)
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I still think it's socially acceptable racism disguised as cheap humour.

Like all those kids innocently calling everything 'gay' (meaning derogatory)...but it's just an opinion.

Lets get a couple of things cleared up here. So far we have established that certain contributors to this thread are different genders from different social, ethnic, cultural and economic backgrounds.

Fact - No one on here knows which one of these I fit into.

Fact- There is no evidence of racism in my initial post.

Fact - Matinee is not at Space anymore and is at Amnesia and is also attended by different genders (that one's obvious)

Fact - There are a group of Black Afro Carribean females who hang around PDB along the high street who are clearly prostitutes. They do not speak Spanish or what appears to be any other European Language only pigeon English. There accent reminds me of a friend who originates from the African Continent who is Black. They approach you in the street in the small hours and engage in conversation. As I have respect for them, I politely say "No Thankyou" but often they persist. They have been known to grab my groin area in the past and say "Sucky &*^%y" to which I again say "No thankyou." I continue my journey. They have technically assaulted me but i turn a blind eye. I have no idea of their financial status but they are trying to make a living. They can be around as late/early as the young families start their day

Fact - I am neither racist nor homphobic
Lets get a couple of things cleared up here. So far we have established that certain contributors to this thread are different genders from different social, ethnic, cultural and economic backgrounds.

Fact - No one on here knows which one of these I fit into.

Fact- There is no evidence of racism in my initial post.

Fact - Matinee is not at Space anymore and is at Amnesia and is also attended by different genders (that one's obvious)

Fact - There are a group of Black Afro Carribean females who hang around PDB along the high street who are clearly prostitutes. They do not speak Spanish or what appears to be any other European Language only pigeon English. There accent reminds me of a friend who originates from the African Continent who is Black. They approach you in the street in the small hours and engage in conversation. As I have respect for them, I politely say "No Thankyou" but often they persist. They have been known to grab my groin area in the past and say "Sucky &*^%y" to which I again say "No thankyou." I continue my journey. They have technically assaulted me but i turn a blind eye. I have no idea of their financial status but they are trying to make a living. They can be around as late/early as the young families start their day

Fact - I am neither racist nor homphobic

Many thanks for your fast and considered response.
Lets get a couple of things cleared up here. So far we have established that certain contributors to this thread are different genders from different social, ethnic, cultural and economic backgrounds.

Fact - No one on here knows which one of these I fit into.

Fact- There is no evidence of racism in my initial post.

Fact - Matinee is not at Space anymore and is at Amnesia and is also attended by different genders (that one's obvious)

Fact - There are a group of Black Afro Carribean females who hang around PDB along the high street who are clearly prostitutes. They do not speak Spanish or what appears to be any other European Language only pigeon English. There accent reminds me of a friend who originates from the African Continent who is Black. They approach you in the street in the small hours and engage in conversation. As I have respect for them, I politely say "No Thankyou" but often they persist. They have been known to grab my groin area in the past and say "Sucky &*^%y" to which I again say "No thankyou." I continue my journey. They have technically assaulted me but i turn a blind eye. I have no idea of their financial status but they are trying to make a living. They can be around as late/early as the young families start their day

Fact - I am neither racist nor homphobic

People like you make this forum. keep up the good work :D
Did I just hear the famed 'I have black friends'?

I am sure that he would not mind me calling him a friend. He doesn't come around for dinner or ask to borrow money. We are on first name terms but he is not a close friend like a "mate"

He is the only friend I have who originates from the African Continent who is black. He has not stated his self defined ethnicity to me so he could in fact class himself in any other group if he liked.

I also know a person who has the appearance of an oriental male. He runs a take away and serves different types of food but mainly numbered dishes containing pork, chicken, beef and fish in sauces. Some of my neighbours refer to the take away as the "Chinese" I have no idea if he or his staff are Chinese or not. He knows me by my first name and often my order, thats his job. I owe him nothing but I show him respect.
Fact - There are a group of Black Afro Carribean females who hang around PDB along the high street who are clearly prostitutes. They do not speak Spanish or what appears to be any other European Language only pigeon English. There accent reminds me of a friend who originates from the African Continent who is Black. They approach you in the street in the small hours and engage in conversation. As I have respect for them, I politely say "No Thankyou" but often they persist. They have been known to grab my groin area in the past and say "Sucky &*^%y" to which I again say "No thankyou." I continue my journey. They have technically assaulted me but i turn a blind eye. I have no idea of their financial status but they are trying to make a living. They can be around as late/early as the young families start their day

Sounds very much like Las Ramblas after midnight!
Fact - There are a group of Black Afro Carribean females who hang around PDB along the high street who are clearly prostitutes. They do not speak Spanish or what appears to be any other European Language only pigeon English. There accent reminds me of a friend who originates from the African Continent who is Black. They approach you in the street in the small hours and engage in conversation. As I have respect for them, I politely say "No Thankyou" but often they persist. They have been known to grab my groin area in the past and say "Sucky &*^%y" to which I again say "No thankyou." I continue my journey. They have technically assaulted me but i turn a blind eye. I have no idea of their financial status but they are trying to make a living. They can be around as late/early as the young families start their day
Mate, honestly, I've stayed in PdB for a couple of weeks every summer for 8 years. I've never seen them. Not once.

I've heard about them in San An. Sure you're not confused?
Mate, honestly, I've stayed in PdB for a couple of weeks every summer for 8 years. I've never seen them. Not once.

I've heard about them in San An. Sure you're not confused?

Nah, he's not John, I got severe hassle from them on three separate nights in PDB during opening week. Pains in the proverbial to the point that I had to ask them leave me alone in language my mother would not like!
Nah, he's not John, I got severe hassle from them on three separate nights in PDB during opening week. Pains in the proverbial to the point that I had to ask them leave me alone in language my mother would not like!
Fair enough. Guess I've just been lucky!
Only African women I've seen in the area are the hair braiding ladies.
Ya, I guess I'm too hot for anyone to think I couldn't get it for free :lol: :lol:

It's not just that I haven't been approached. I haven't seen them at all in PdB. But, as noted, if others have then I concede the point.
theres a street between figueretas and the highway that has lots of ladies of the night thats the only place i've seen it