steve aoki 'caking' a crowd surfing wheelchair user, the guy loves it though

Brilliant. But id like to see him hit a horse with a cake while playing some spaghetti western track with a Massive Drop..:)
Can't wait to read the "20 years of EDM" books in the future and read back about all the superstar EDM burnouts still waiting to happen.
I guess in 20 years time the current kids will all look back and go '2015 what was THAT all about?' In the same way I look back at Robin S or Toni di Bart in the hammersmith palais in 1993, in the same way that 60 year olds look back at the nonces on TOTP in the 70s. All of us somehow thinking, wishing it was all a bad dream
Mr.C says...

Ok, it’s rant o’clock!
More & more DJs are using stupid as f*** gimmicks to make their trade marks while performing. It’s not big, it’s not clever & it’s not even funny. In fact it’s childish & pathetic.
These young ravers that follow along with this foolishness need to grow up too & stop facilitating this nonsense. You are not 12 any more. It’s not ok to have cunts throw cake at you. You look stupid bowing en mass when ordered to do so by fukwits. Dance music events are meant to be for grown up adults to come together to celebrate life, dance, meet like minded individuals & have adult fun, not go back to pre-teen schoolyard behavior.
What’s more is it’s becoming embarrassing for the rest of us proper DJs to even say we’re DJs these days when in any kind of intellectual company.
f*** those DJs who’ve made all of us look like cunts, f*** their shit 2 bob music & f*** their childish foolery! Wankers! Rant over!
he's 100% spot on

I remember when he himself got accused of trivialising rave culture with ebeneezer goode but it was just a massive pisstake

if we're gonna get all sociological about it, it's a generational thing. we all cared then. they don't care now. therein lies the difference.

but what's the point of anyone moaning about anything anymore? the c**ts breached the gates long ago. all you can do is avoid them best you can
Mr.C says...

Ok, it’s rant o’clock!
More & more DJs are using stupid as f*** gimmicks to make their trade marks while performing. It’s not big, it’s not clever & it’s not even funny. In fact it’s childish & pathetic.
These young ravers that follow along with this foolishness need to grow up too & stop facilitating this nonsense. You are not 12 any more. It’s not ok to have cunts throw cake at you. You look stupid bowing en mass when ordered to do so by fukwits. Dance music events are meant to be for grown up adults to come together to celebrate life, dance, meet like minded individuals & have adult fun, not go back to pre-teen schoolyard behavior.
What’s more is it’s becoming embarrassing for the rest of us proper DJs to even say we’re DJs these days when in any kind of intellectual company.
f*** those DJs who’ve made all of us look like cunts, f*** their shit 2 bob music & f*** their childish foolery! Wankers! Rant over!
All from the man who’s claim to fame is a record called Ebenezer goode about e’s. Piss take or not it’s what most will remember him for and he became a figure of fun as a consequence. Luckily it will doubtless have also provided him with his biggest pay day. Always fun to read grown up former hedonists dictating how not to have fun. Stones and glass houses
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anyone who can't look past ebeneezer goode clearly knows Sweet FA about Mr C's huge role in UK dance culture

he was in the acid house family, he pioneered tech-house (before it went shit), he put out some good records, he helped build The End into one of the finest clubs I knew and he has a classy selection of fedora hats.

i last saw him about 8 years back at some dirty morning afters at the old blue in shoreditch. it was a great party. a proper dirty affair, no "branding" anywhere in sight...

He's not the enemy.
anyone who can't look past ebeneezer goode clearly knows Sweet FA about Mr C's huge role in UK dance culture

he was in the acid house family, he pioneered tech-house (before it went shit), he put out some good records, he helped build The End into one of the finest clubs I knew and he has a classy selection of fedora hats.

i last saw him about 8 years back at some dirty morning afters at the old blue in shoreditch. it was a great party. a proper dirty affair, no "branding" anywhere in sight...

He's not the enemy.
Not saying he is the enemy. But he is a hypocrite. You cant milk the industry with a cheesy jokey tune, make yourself a laughing stock, cash in then suddenly take a credibility pill and decide no one else should do what you were doing.

I don’t need educating about his role in dance music, I suspect I was there before you were. Reality is that e’s are good is what he is known for by the vast majority. They don’t know mr c, they don’t know the end and they don’t know any of his other productions.
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he's 100% spot on

I remember when he himself got accused of trivialising rave culture with ebeneezer goode but it was just a massive pisstake

if we're gonna get all sociological about it, it's a generational thing. we all cared then. they don't care now. therein lies the difference.

but what's the point of anyone moaning about anything anymore? the c**ts breached the gates long ago. all you can do is avoid them best you can
We agree on that one. 100 % stupid.
Aoki had a 'serious' interview with ch4 news the other day, as if he were some sort of highbrow cultural figure. Truly puzzling.
There's a programme on Netflix about him... I watched it to try and get an insight into the moron... It is kind of an interesting watch but, just block out the music!!
Mr.C says...

Ok, it’s rant o’clock!
More & more DJs are using stupid as f*** gimmicks to make their trade marks while performing. It’s not big, it’s not clever & it’s not even funny. In fact it’s childish & pathetic.
These young ravers that follow along with this foolishness need to grow up too & stop facilitating this nonsense. You are not 12 any more. It’s not ok to have cunts throw cake at you. You look stupid bowing en mass when ordered to do so by fukwits. Dance music events are meant to be for grown up adults to come together to celebrate life, dance, meet like minded individuals & have adult fun, not go back to pre-teen schoolyard behavior.
What’s more is it’s becoming embarrassing for the rest of us proper DJs to even say we’re DJs these days when in any kind of intellectual company.
f*** those DJs who’ve made all of us look like cunts, f*** their shit 2 bob music & f*** their childish foolery! Wankers! Rant over!
True,nice one
All from the man who’s claim to fame is a record called Ebenezer goode about e’s. Piss take or not it’s what most will remember him for and he became a figure of fun as a consequence. Luckily it will doubtless have also provided him with his biggest pay day. Always fun to read grown up former hedonists dictating how not to have fun. Stones and glass houses
To be fair, I saw the Shamen live back in those days and it was a hell of a good time!

Also, agree with everything in that quote.