


any one have any ideas how much a cheap cd player will cost over there? could get on here and struggle with it or just buy one if there cheap enuf and leave it there...give us a clue
ahh well spotted rob obviosly my spelling is shit...i think i ment stereos
jsmith4519 said:
ahh well spotted rob obviosly my spelling is *beep*...i think i ment stereos

Just ignore him, he's been on the white lightening down at the park and he's got all lairy :rolleyes: :p
jsmith4519 said:
god that brings back memories

Thunderbird, White Lightening, Diamond White (but then you could mix that with Castaway and get a BLASTAWAY lol), god I was so classy in my youth, at least I've progressed to Blue Nun and Lambrini now :p :lol:
it all falls into place now....cant help where we were born
jsmith4519 said:
it all falls into place now....cant help where we were born

Like that say 'You can take the girl out of Scunny but you can't take the Scunny out of the girl' :p
good that case u cant take Enfield out of me which is a bad thing...anyways any ideas about stereos
jsmith4519 said:
good that case u cant take Enfield out of me which is a bad thing...anyways any ideas about stereos

God I lived in Enfield for a while when I first moved down here, the world just keeps getting smaller and smaller :p

Anyway I am going to stop talking $hite on your post and let someone answer the question for you :p
fair enuf babes i gonna go to bed in prep for work (cant be arsed) ill speak to u tom have a glass of wine for me (make sure it is of the Stella variety) c ya xx
jsmith4519 said:
fair enuf babes i gonna go to bed in prep for work (cant be arsed) ill speak to u tom have a glass of wine for me (make sure it is of the Stella variety) c ya xx

Night Night, I'll give my love to the Red Cow for you :p