Spotlighter's occupations?

fraid I can't really go into what I do now

but previous jobs have included:

- stapling tax forms at HM Customs & Excise in Staines (a more pointless urban connurbation no town planning sadist could come up with)
- monitoring shoplifters at Dickins & Jones in Richmond (never was temping so farcical)
- assessing benefits claims at the property valuation division of the Inland Revenue and dealing with complaints like "Dear Mr T Blair cc Inland Revenue, I am writing to complain about the rubbish customer service in your tax office, in particular one Mr Oliver...."
- freelance writing for a Spanish business paper
- teaching English inhouse at Barcelona insurance company during their very long lunch break (a job secured on the back of invented teaching qualifications)
- selling ad space to disinterested Norwegian hotelliers (lasted 3 days)
- working night shifts for media firm in converted warehouse - a true haven for every freak, chain smoker and social misfit on the London labour market - early monday morning pints at The Hope near Smithfields became the stuff of legend

in a nutshell, no real career path, basically one desperately crap job after another. Any ambition well and trully snuffed out of me years ago. Just holding out for the inheritance now...