Spotlight Share Club


Active Member
Any tips peeps?

My and a few mates have set up, not putting a huge amount in & are currently about 60% up in a month as the stocks we bought (EMED a mining compnay) & (MITIE, outsourcing) have gone up 80% & 10% respectively.

You can take that as a free tip, particularly the first one, still a way to travel there!

Anyone else monkey about in the markets?
I've only got 3 stocks:
Berkshire Hathaway (B shares) - can't beat Warren Buffet - up 10% over 11 months
Vimpelcom - Russian telecoms play - trading even
Mechel - Russian steel co. - up 23% over 24 months, but all of that's in the past month as I bought just before the recession hit.

There are a couple I've got my eye on but they are London-listed and my brokerage account only lets me buy US-listed stocks :evil:
CAD (lse) have read some interesting reports on this one;

I haven't got involved yet, going to have a dabble this week, trading around 21p

I've only got 3 stocks:
Berkshire Hathaway (B shares) - can't beat Warren Buffet - up 10% over 11 months
Vimpelcom - Russian telecoms play - trading even
Mechel - Russian steel co. - up 23% over 24 months, but all of that's in the past month as I bought just before the recession hit.

There are a couple I've got my eye on but they are London-listed and my brokerage account only lets me buy US-listed stocks :evil:

Is that a countrywide restriction, or just the particular a/c you use?
Is that a countrywide restriction, or just the particular a/c you use?
It's at a US-based bank that just doesn't deal in overseas shares. No legal restriction, as far as I can tell.

My UK bank won't give me a brokerage account because I'm not resident :evil:
i pay £300 per month into Accenture company shares and I get 15% discount which is pretty good - never lost any money yet - I save each month too but that just goes into a normal savings fund too - but I dont know enough about the markets to dabble any further than within our own company - would like to tho
It would be interesting to know who made what out of short selling the banks a couple of years back, some people made serious dosh at the time. The BBC's Robert Peston was one of (the?) first to warn of the impending financial armagedon, I often wonder if he made hay?
Yeah I'm up for this. Tell ya what I'll collect the money to get us started too.

I can set up a special account in Switzerland
It would be interesting to know who made what out of short selling the banks a couple of years back, some people made serious dosh at the time. The BBC's Robert Peston was one of (the?) first to warn of the impending financial armagedon, I often wonder if he made hay?

relatively he was quick however his book the real rulers of the world or similar buys right into the idea of private equity being a one way ticket to a cash rich disneyland & bigs up RBS & their lending team (he does not mention this now of course), but the ones who made real money were probably out by then! generally tw4tty hedge funds/investment banks, benefitting from the asymetry of market information that means the goldman sachs of the world can never really lose , run by truely evil people who see no moral issue in being paid £500m & just sticking it in the bank to rot.

did i go off on one?!
Encore Oil (EO) currently drilling with the Galaxy II in the North Sea. Also RRL share price has almost doubled in last few months
Been up and down for CAD, touched a high of 56, and a low of 33 since the last post. Nicely bouncing back now @ 44.5 with news due soon. Lots of director share buying, a farm out deal with Italian firm ENI, cash in bank. Slight negative was a firm reneging on a deal to repay £30,000,000+ to CAD but the assets are still on the books. Can't see much downside to his one at the moment.
Our company shares are at an all time high of $61 - just cashed the lot in and put into a savings account...8) they cant stay that high for long I am sure of it ..... :confused:
Our company shares are at an all time high of $61 - just cashed the lot in and put into a savings account...8) they cant stay that high for long I am sure of it ..... :confused:


Other than keeping a few ££ handy for rainy days, ££ in the bank is not the best use of spare cash imho. A girl of your means must have a financial advisor?

Other than keeping a few ££ handy for rainy days, ££ in the bank is not the best use of spare cash imho. A girl of your means must have a financial advisor?

your prob right but with that share hike I made £500 in 2 weeks so if they drop again - I lose that £500 so thought sod it..... happened a few years ago when the shares hit $50 I thought excellent - lets leave it a few weeks and will cash in for Ibiza trip - when I went to cash the fekkers in they had dropped to $41 - maybe I am not playing the market right, but it made sense in my puppybrain to cash in this time ....:confused:

I did have a FA but I sacked him off when he gave me ****ty advice about 10 years ago.....


Absolutely impossible for anyone to know the right time to get in or out, you did the right thing, the markets are heading for bumpy waters. Time to start buying gold coins:D