Sporting Spotlighters?

i ran a marathon a few years ago - amazing experience. i still run quite a lot nowadays but no marathons at the moment (apart of the odd dancing marathon, of course).
else i like going to the gym, ski a lot in winter time and love scuba diving (if that counts as a sport).
Played Sunday football for 10+ years, gave up due to work / age a good few years ago, have some brilliant memories from the period, mainly celebratory pee ups!! Was once described in a match day programme for a cup final as "A big awkward centre forward":oops: I met my now wife through playing football with her brother 17 years ago, she was a sweet innocent 18 yo!!:D:D

No real sports these days, other than running at the gym a few times per week. I bought some decent roller blades a few years ago and would really like to be able to use them! Saw a group of people of all ages from children up to 90+ year olds flying down Kings Road on roller blades a few years back. Thought "that looks like good fun".
I am now the gentle Pilates/Yoga type now - every joint is absolutely knackered now due to years of Squash, Kickboxing and Thai Boxing...:oops:

Other than that my exercise regime is longwalks, gardening and dancing in a club....

seems to work for me 8)
I play in an FA 5-a-side league at Mile End on a Tuesday. We've won the league 3 or 4 times and runner up 3 or 4 times.
Also play on a Thurs at Crossharbour.

I used to play seriously up until about 18 (had a few trials down south; Bristol City, Bristol Rovers, Oxford United) but was never big enough (or good enough !) and found nightclubs and lager......
I guess my claim to fame was playing against Rangers Under 18's and beating them 2-1 - with numerous players from that day going on to make very good careers in the game.
Is that even a sporting claim to fame?! Playing AGAINST guys who were good?! Haha !
I still enjoy a decent game - although it's generally 5's rather than 11-a-side.
I also used to play Squash quite a lot, until I moved to London and couldn't find anyone into it.
Snowboarding, cycling, gym and all the classes like yoga, zumba, power, step etc for me. Only started to go to the gym 8 months ago but couldn't imagine not doing it anymore!
I played football for the school team, rugby for school and district (Rossendale Valley 2nd XV) and I boxed both as a teenager and then later for the army in the Combined Forces Open Class Boxing Championship where I got the hiding of my life by a Royal Marine in the finals. Other than that I haven't done anything remotely sporting or resembling exercise in the last 10 years.