Space - We Love Sundays - Early bird or late bird?


Active Member
Hey Campers,

Just wondered what everyones thoughts are on the early bird tickets for we love? Just looking at them now for when we go (12th Aug which falls on the 23rd birthday bash - chemical brothers, sweeeeeet), std are 70 euros and early bird are 20 euros, thats quite a big difference. Now of course there are drinks to consider but im not going to be going mad on drinks (dont worry I will be wrecked ;)....

Is is worth it, or just pay full price and arrive later when the party is really pumping?

Thoughts on a postcard please :D x
All i will say is this:

For the Space Opening Fiesta i brought my ticket through Spotlight months in advance, paid €50 euro and had to be in Space by 10pm. The rest of my group weren't as organised, waited to get their tickets on the island, and paid €60 each but had to be in Space by 8pm!!!

Obviously, going with them, we all arrived by 19:30. We all had pre-drinks, and were suitably beevied - definitely in high spirits, but no where near paralytic.

Point is, in retrospect, I would rather have just paid €75 on the door to enter the club whatever time i liked.

Most of the DJs i wanted to see were not on until the early hours of Monday morning, and only a few acts & stage times were announced prior to the event. By midnight I had completely sobered up, and by 4am, and a good 8 odd hours of dancing later, i was done. Never did get round to seeing who I wanted.

If they announce what time Chemical Brothers are on, then great, you can kind of make your own mind-up based on that. But, I would hazard a guess that they won't release the set-time, in which case I would judge on it on you and your party's stamina...

If you can all go the distance & aren't fussed about how drunk/sober you are, then yeah, €20 is a f'n' steal - go for it!

But don't pay €20 just to get into the venue early and then have to leave before Chem Brothers come on - that'd be my advice.
Thanks White Isle,

I think your probs right, I hate being restricted to times and knowing my lot we will probs get caught up in some other madness and miss the deadline anyways, then have to pay 20 euros plus the full price...hehe, now that would be annoying.

These clubs know what they are doing with their little deals dont they...
They're not silly. It helps with the flow of people too, as well as their bar takings - they're fully aware a good % of those they get there soon after opening won't still be around in 8hrs time.

For the cynics amongst us, it also means they can have Jonathan Ulysses playing commercial chart music to tourists early doors and get away with it, as those "in the know" won't be hitting the venue until a lot later :lol:
I try to avoid buying tickets that make you show up early. I will arrive between 2300 - 0100 on busy nights ( I hate ques). I will go later if it won't be too busy.
Make sure you get, ahem, hooked-up before you arrive. I found it particularly slim pickings last Sunday.
Don't get me wrong, I had an amazing time! If you can't have a good time for an event like that, you're doing something wrong ;)

But I could have had a better time, if you catch my drift...

Guess its one of those instances, where you build a night up so much, it will always disappoint to a certain degree.
Don't get me wrong, I had an amazing time! If you can't have a good time for an event like that, you're doing something wrong ;)

But I could have had a better time, if you catch my drift...

Guess its one of those instances, where you build a night up so much, it will always disappoint to a certain degree.

We've all been there....we dont need it, we can have a good time without, yada yada yada, and yes of course we will, but sometimes...

Roll on August for me, I hope i've not built the whole holiday up to be honest, but some how I cant see that happening!
Hey Campers,

Just wondered what everyones thoughts are on the early bird tickets for we love? Just looking at them now for when we go (12th Aug which falls on the 23rd birthday bash - chemical brothers, sweeeeeet), std are 70 euros and early bird are 20 euros, thats quite a big difference. Now of course there are drinks to consider but im not going to be going mad on drinks (dont worry I will be wrecked ;)....

Is is worth it, or just pay full price and arrive later when the party is really pumping?

Thoughts on a postcard please :D x

You got a link for these?