Space regrets...

No regrets, time to move on
Yes it was good.
I was lucky to
experience the fancy dress at a carry on
The magical line ups for we love
The space to dance on the terrace with the planes in the sky

But like I say time for the next chapter
Missing f***ing El Row last week for Dusky and Eats Everything open to close on the terrace (who ended up doing a B2B2B with Andrea Oliva and Marco Faraone!). All because I felt too ill on Saturday (fever, loss of energy) that I couldn't make it out. It was supposed to be my last time properly enjoying Space with one of my favourite artists Dusky and because of the club being more fully open too, but it just didn't happen. I just slept the entire day and night!

So my last memory of Space is Afterlife on July 21st, with Tale of Us playing some old Ibiza classic songs (age of love, or the accapella of it at least) on the terrace near the end of their set. A plane flew over sorta close after they were done outside and me and some peeps cheered.
My only one is that unless I get a lottery win I won't be there for the closing. Oh well :)
Regrets at space? Being too much wasted to have a proper chat with a girl, Mike Manumission and even Pepe Rosello... I guess i was too young :rolleyes:, but the last two did offer me a free drink ;)
my latest regret is that some bastard blocked MY place on the sunsetterrace - 2nd ventilator to the right from dj-booth - all night.

that bastid didn´t dance or drink or move 1 millimetre till midnight.
wasn´t looking like a clubber or something like that anyway, more a pickpocket-type.
classic icey! :lol: