Space Question



Ok, Obviously Sunday's At Space is the place to be. Is sunday the best day because of the vibe, or would say the opening party for Carl Cox on tuesday be just as good?? I'm going to be seeing Coxy that night in space either way, was just curious.
lynch said:
if cox was outside it would be alot better I think, why does cox only use the inside??

Last year I think he played 10 til midnight on the terrace, then moved inside.
Hmm, yeah, think I remember seeing him on the terrace last year on telly - On "Ibiza TV" or something like that
Ok, thanks, This is going to be my first (and probably only) time in Ibiza. It's a bit pricey for us Americans.

Anyway I was thinking about doing Judgement Sundays (gotta love the trance) and doing Space for the Coxy opening party. I want to see as many clubs as I can. Is Sundays At Space that much different from the Tuesday? Other than the music obviously.
Scenic said:
Is Sundays At Space that much different from the Tuesday? Other than the music obviously.

Very much so. Sundays are daytime clubbing. Coxy is at night. completely different atmospheres