Space Closing 2016

Keep calm for space Closing ticket.;
this is what written on my newsfeed

For the record... There are plenty of Space Ibiza Closing Tickets available on the island. There is enough for everyone. Just relax your cax, book your flights, don't get ripped off online, on the street or off the touts... We'll even have tickets available on the door!

Ps... There is no guestlist!

If anybody needs me, I'll be swinging from the rafters giving it big licks while dishing out the helicopters. Taps aff, shoes in the air affair!
yea its sick.. 63 DJs now Excited which DJs will still follow. So far the Linup consist of DJs which running Partys at space (Mikaela, Tale of Us, Cox, ..) and former "Stars". So kept that in mind the chance that Hawtin will play is high.
The atmosphere on the flight deck/whole club is so different these days, hopefully the care free folk will come out in force this closing.

I am seeing some people asking about tiks on social media sites and I'm just thinking 'please F off' where are all the oldies and the freaks. And reality TV stars and their cronies should be banned =)