Space 2003 CD

  • Thread starter Russell_TheRedRooms
  • Start date


Well, after getting back from the opening, I have burnt & bought a fair few albums and must say; the Space one kicks ass. Badly,,

Especially the 2nd one from the dark room. Well worth getting.
Do you think so?? Imo this years is the worse of the Space CDs :rolleyes: :confused: altho I've not listened to it for a few weeks, I might give it another go.
have to agree with barbie this years space cd was very weak
not a pach on the last 2 seasons,allthough i think 2003 has been
one off the best years 4 some quality tracks.
going back on sunday 4 the closeing parties 3rd time this year and
im still like a kid at christmas,and i am celebrating my 30th why im
out there to !!!!!!!!!
Its crap!

Strange cos the early one's were so good.

But then, Space was soooooooo much better in the early days.
drew you're like a broken record mate ;-)

i've been going for 8 years and that is soooooooo not true

yes it was cool with brandon and alex behind the bar and mad techno music coming from the djs in that star trek like console inside, but it's still cool today with the dj line ups, the terrace buzz and now the effort they've put into making the inside not so dingy with the lazers, etc

don't you think maybe it's us 'old timers' who aren't what we used to be?


p.s. maybe we ought to get together like the old men in the muppet show for a good argument / moan on the 28th ;-) - say 6 pm outside in the back arena in the bar on the far right ? ;-)
I aint no old-timer mate :x

Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, I'm not allowed an opinion

Are you telling me you don't think Space was better 4/5 years ago - come on :rolleyes:
DrewUK said:
I aint no old-timer mate :x

Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, I'm not allowed an opinion

Are you telling me you don't think Space was better 4/5 years ago - come on :rolleyes:

Ok Gents, choose your hand-bags, stand back to back and walk 20 paces and on my mark, turn and bitch at each other until one of you falls!!! May the best bitch win!!! Lighten up ladies!!
Keifer said:
DrewUK said:
I aint no old-timer mate :x

Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, I'm not allowed an opinion

Are you telling me you don't think Space was better 4/5 years ago - come on :rolleyes:

Ok Gents, choose your hand-bags, stand back to back and walk 20 paces and on my mark, turn and bitch at each other until one of you falls!!! May the best bitch win!!! Lighten up ladies!!

james said:
p.s. maybe we ought to get together like the old men in the muppet show for a good argument / moan on the 28th ;-) - say 6 pm outside in the back arena in the bar on the far right ? ;-)

I'll meet you James - be good to meet the man behind all this!

just booked my closing tickets today actually (no queue for me thank god!) v excited.
really no offence meant drew, old timer simply meant someone who's been several years running, as opposed to an 'ibiza virgin' ;-)

i personally didn't like space much in 98, although that is probably cos of daniel klein's taste in music as terrace resident, although it was wicked in 99, when steve lawler came in. i thought 2000 was the best year ever for music, etc, etc.

i just think it sounds a bit unfair to someone who's never been to space before, to dismiss it as being not nearly as good as it was.

i used to read and hear about the good ol' days from ravers from the early 90s when i started clubbing in '95 - i used to get really jealous of how much fun these underground warehouse parties must have been - but NO WAY - i had just as much fun in my years clubbing as the ravers did in their epoch - it is such a subjective thing.

you just have to look around the new faces on the space terrace who are having the times of their lives to realise this :)

anyway - it's a subject dear to my heart, cos i always get caned by my younger sister for saying anything like 'well, back in the good old days, before you knew space.....' - and she's quite right too!

hope you enjoy the closing anyway!! :)

s xpress - better make it 7 pm though, as i think we are going to bora bora beforehand for a few liveners. so, in the bar on the far right as you come in to the back terrace. i have blond mid-length hair and look like brad pitt...

NOT ;-)

and will be with wife who also has blonde mid-length hair