Sophie Elis Bextor Dead :(

S.E.B. is a goddess. Some people get it, some don't. But I have fine taste (check the current Mrs B) and the girl is stunning.

*waits for someone to insult his beloved Sophie before flying into a rage*

That was more a relief than anything!

I saw the title and was quite upset, then read the joke and couldn't stop laughing!
Barbie said:
I dont get it :rolleyes:

Do you know anything bout football Leese??

oh, no not really, thats probably why I dont get it right! he he....phew :eek:

I think from now on if anyone is to tell a joke, there should be a little explanation to go with it...just for the thick essex bird that sits at her desk, with a very puzzled look on her boat.

But thanks Babs :p
oh, no not really, thats probably why I dont get it right! he he....phew :eek:

I think from now on if anyone is to tell a joke, there should be a little explanation to go with it...just for the thick essex bird that sits at her desk, with a very puzzled look on her boat.

But thanks Babs :p

It's ok I don't get most jokes either :oops: The worse thing is when someone tells one in the pub and everyone's laughing and I'm like wtf :rolleyes: :confused: so you have to put on a fake imaginary laugh :p
Barbie said:
oh, no not really, thats probably why I dont get it right! he he....phew :eek:

I think from now on if anyone is to tell a joke, there should be a little explanation to go with it...just for the thick essex bird that sits at her desk, with a very puzzled look on her boat.

But thanks Babs :p

It's ok I don't get most jokes either :oops: The worse thing is when someone tells one in the pub and everyone's laughing and I'm like wtf :rolleyes: :confused: so you have to put on a fake imaginary laugh :p

PMSL i do this too :p
yeah she was more special with the red fro´definately!
Some of us are better blonde tho, me as a redhaired girlie: what a mess!
I nearly freaked out at the thread topic line, until I saw the punchline. :lol:

Glad she's still alive. I agree with Buckley that she is a fine creature. I haven't seen the blond hair look yet, thank god.

Dear god look at those legs... has she gotten plump or what? And the hair is a definite no-no. I take back earlier statement pending reevaluation of our recommendation on Ms. E-B.
Ibiza-girlie said:
she has always been plump
In her videos, she always looked not-thin, but she didn't appear that big to me... in that photo, her legs look like tree trunks!