Some advice please???


Active Member
Theres this guy that we know, not very well but he's said that he's coming out to Ibiza on his own in september (while were there) and he's been getting really excited about it. Now I don’t really trust him (only ever met him 3 times), he seems okay but seems like a bit of a user. He's also said that he's going to come to Amsterdam with us. I don’t mind anyone meeting up with us now and then etc but I bearing in mind its mine and Joeys first ever holiday together I would like to spend as much time with him as possible. I don’t really get to see him during the week anymore because he's never at home so I feel really selfish by saying that I want him all to myself but I think I have good reason.

What do I say to him without hurting his feelings and pissing him off??
Just tell him straight - it's your first holiday together and you want to be all romantic with your man on your own. Most people wouldn't want to go along on a couple's first holiday. Just be honest. ;)
Got to tell him how you feel Mambo.

I know what you mean, when me and Tom have been away sometimes we've just wanted time on our own or with our really close friends and you just don't want randoms hanging around.

If you don't say anything it could end up spoiling your holiday and there been friction when you just want 2 weeks of luuuuurrrrve ;)
:lol: i think he would understand to be honest, he's just so bloody excitable :confused: and i dont really like him, he annoys me. I can just see me having a right go at him :confused:
Be honest with him

Tell him it's your one holiday a year when you get to spend 'quality time' together so it would be great to meet up on a club night or two but the rest of the time you BOTH (important) want to have a coupley thang goin on.....

If he's a decent person then he'll understand, if not then good job you told him because you wouldn't wanthim around anyway and you shouldn't really worry about hurting the feelings of someone like that.



Just be as offensive as possible next time you see him, that usually works.

By the way it's not Marco of the last BB is it? Probs not, but whose face appeared in my mind's eye as I read your message.
mambobirdette said:
:lol: i think he would understand to be honest, he's just so bloody excitable :confused: and i dont really like him, he annoys me. I can just see me having a right go at him :confused:

Mambo at the end of the day we work hard (ish :lol: ) all year and we look forward to the 5 weeks or whatever we get off for holidays. And you are perfectly entitled to spend those weeks of holiday how you want and with who you want. If you're feeling like this before you even get there it's only going to get worse over there.
i know, he was in the bar we were at Sunday, he ran down the street to ask Joey to give back the £20 that his mate leant us saturday ( his mate was in the bar and Joey had already told him he could have it) and apparently he never handed it to his mate, he kept it for himself :rolleyes:


He kept sorting us out after we'd give him £10 to go and do so you know the deal with the 10 - (3). He kept coming back saying he could only get 2, and the one time about 2 mins after he had one :rolleyes:

chewie_oo7 said:
sounds like a nice lad! :lol:

Exactly, see what i mean

I think Joeys keen on him because he's said he can play at Savannah with him :rolleyes:, i wouldnt want to be associated with a person like that. Joey sees the good in everyone though where im the opposite :lol:
mambobirdette said:
chewie_oo7 said:
sounds like a nice lad! :lol:

Exactly, see what i mean

I think Joeys keen on him because he's said he can play at Savannah with him :rolleyes:, i wouldnt want to be associated with a person like that. Joey sees the good in everyone though where im the opposite :lol:

oh FFS's are you willing to let Mr X hang around like a bad smell in order to get a chance to play?
chewie_oo7 said:
oh FFS's are you willing to let Mr X hang around like a bad smell in order to get a chance to play?

well if i had my way id just ignore him from now on and never speak to him again but i dont think Joey will do that :rolleyes:
mambobirdette said:
chewie_oo7 said:
oh FFS's are you willing to let Mr X hang around like a bad smell in order to get a chance to play?

well if i had my way id just ignore him from now on and never speak to him again but i dont think Joey will do that :rolleyes:

give him a funking slap.

if the guy is as bigger tosser as you say he is, do u really wanna be associated with one?
Mambs you HAVE to tell this guy he can't come on your holiday. First and foremost, he doesnt sound like a nice person anyway, therefore I wouldnt even want him on my holiday!
Secondly, despite what people say, three is definately a crowd. Me and Jon, and another couple, went to Ibiza last year, originally as a foursome, which would have been fine!
One of our good friends was due to go later that month with another friend of his, the other guy pulled out, and our friend was looking at not going to Ibiza at all that year :confused:
Anyway, us being the good samaritans that we are, suggested he could come on our trip, as we had a spare bed in our apartment.

To cut a long story short it was just a really awkward holiday. Getting cabs, going for meals, doing "coupley" things etc... all of these were a problem because we had one extra person. It just didnt fit in with two couples, and I think it would be even worse with you guys, as this guy would be permanently hanging around you and Joey all week!

Dont forsake having a good holiday just to keep the peace, tell him he has to go! :twisted: