
Barbie said:
Buckley said:
Nah...........people are used to the 'So..........' title now

Yes people might skip the first few pages and then start reading it and think it's going to be a night about 'Spotlight Girlies Comparing Bits and Groping Boobs' 8O :P :lol:

Oh - isnt it? that was the only reason i was going! :cry: :cry:
Scoobie said:
Oh - isnt it? that was the only reason i was going! :cry: :cry:

Well I think there's some talk of music and DJs and such but really the main event is the groping and bit comparing action 8O :lol: :P
dance4life said:
this by far has to be the funniest thread i've read!! :lol:

Wait to you see the pics of the night itself :!: Or do we need get the flags out for your arrival on the night?
dance4life said:
"all i want for christmas is a:" plane ticket to spotlight party!! :P :twisted: ;)

It's gonna be classic - well worth the journey - just hope venue don't let us down - still awaiting confirmation...............
I'm not gonna read Seven pages of sh1te so can someone please sum up this thread in one short post?

N8 said:
But what about the night in london

Prolly 30th January 2004 - 400 people - spotlighters and their mates/partners under one roof, entertained entirely by DJs from this board - no one goes home 'til Sunday!
Cam we do lots of gear, disgrace ourselves, look menacing, scowl a lot and maybe vomit a bit?
N8 said:
Cam we do lots of gear, disgrace ourselves, look menacing, scowl a lot and maybe vomit a bit?

If that's your thing. As long as you don't to be taken serious as a menace mate ;)
i`m gunna get some sticky on pokey outy sort of things so as peeps can have a grope cos i aint got a lot and what i have needs a good searchin for :oops:
pip said:
i`m gunna get some sticky on pokey outy sort of things so as peeps can have a grope cos i aint got a lot and what i have needs a good searchin for :oops:
Hahah .. *chuckle* .. aww ... but you have nipples .. they're the BEST bit !