So who's all going back next year?

after just getting a few days in out of season this year I'll be defo going next year. July hopefully.
The only thing to stop me going next year will be if the World ends in December, as predicted.
More than likely. It's 2 years since I was last there, putting that right in a week's time but I don't ever want to go this long without a trip over again!

Just so much I want to fit in next year. Planning a festival tour of Eastern Europe, Ibiza, probably an English festival, and I'm saving to buy a house. Guess I'll be renting for a while longer.
Twice for me. June with the OTR lot and Sept with my lot. In a villa this time, if we can find one which is suitable
December trip for me and then that may be the last of Ibiza trips for me ever :(

I say this but everyone who knows me is already putting bets on me returning and working another season next year....
July and September are sorted, hoping for a sneaky trip in June (and maybe August if I take my daughter back)
Trying to arrange a 'reunion' type visit with some old ibiza workers I knew/meet from my 04/05 seasons out there!

Will be nice to return after a 3 year hiatus!
Its good to take a break but I'm missing it pretty bad this year, so I reckon two trips next year is in order! One chillled out break pre-season (yet to be done), and then a messy affair in September.
December trip for me and then that may be the last of Ibiza trips for me ever :(

I say this but everyone who knows me is already putting bets on me returning and working another season next year....

never again?!?!??! that's a bit drastic is it not? :)

might see if i can get over around xmas time... would love to see Ibiza town during xmas!! :D
I'll probably make noises about going and pull out at the last minute again.

Sonar vs Ibiza?

Musically no contest (Sonar)

...but I miss the island. :cry:
I'll probably make noises about going and pull out at the last minute again.

Sonar vs Ibiza?

Musically no contest (Sonar)

...but I miss the island. :cry:

Sonar can be done wayyyyyy cheaper too. Think I may have a relatively quiet ibiza trip then meet mates at sonar. Hoping to get a squad together to get a villa for closing parties though.
Thinking a weekend in June and would like to spend 10 days at the end of August / start of September. Only briefly got to see Formentera this time and would at some point see the North of the island which I've been meaning to do for years.