So.... how's it going on the island this season?


I'm curious to hear from those of you living/working out there or those that have been for a visit.

What are the numbers like this year? About the same as last year, worse, better?

Seems to me like a lot of events are getting canceled or moved. That happens every year, of course, but it feels like a lot this year. Then again, we've got more venues now than in some recent seasons.

On the flipside, it seems like a third of the people on my Facebook feed (both UK and Russian) are or have been out there this year!
it feels pretty weird to me at the moment to be honest.

airport arrival numbers are up, so basically this means there are more people on the island. but it doesn't feel that way really. maybe a lot less people come in with the ferries from the mainland?

or it's just the fact that due to all the new places, nowhere is totally packed (with a few exceptions) and everywhere is just perfectly busy?
Not the worst thing that places are full but not packed... much prefer it that way myself although the people making money off things might complain!
I think the early season seemed quieter (May-June), then last time I was there (end July) it seemed to have picked up. From the West End point of view my friends that work in bars or as PRs all say that it's a lot quieter than last year...but people seem to say it's half as busy every year so I think it's just the August blues talking.

When I went to Hed Kandi a few weeks ago it's the busiest I have ever seen Es Paradis - EVER! Still very very busy when we left at 5:30!
Like Stivi says, there are so many more parties this year that, although crowds are still big, they are spread too thinly across the island and some nights are suffering for it. The big nights like music on, cream etc still have their heads well above water, and for the average clubber it generally means a bit more dancing room. It's just some new nights with really good line ups have suffered because they are not as well promoted or whatever and just simply didn't get the numbers. I've really enjoyed checking out new venues and seeing spaces used differently etc... but I don't think there needs to be this many parties. It's a bit overwhelming.

The other thing that's interesting this year (and was already happening last year) is how DJs play loads of different parties on the island, rather than sticking to their residency. For holidaymakers its a good thing - more opportunity to see the DJs in the time that you're here, but for me and many working here it has actually taken away some of the identities of different nights. How many different booths do I actually need to see Uner in...really.
So many parties - people are rude !!!

Lots of spaniards! In ibiza town.
Lots of italians. Very crowded.

Good and bad ...stuff happening let's just say too many people too much actitud!

Not being drama queen, just saying.
Like for me it seems like an uphill battle. Being honest.

In the end good music, some parties have good atmospheres and some are kind of ambivalent.

Just got to make the best of it.
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So many parties - people are rude !!!

Lots of spaniards! In ibiza town.
Lots of italians. Very crowded.

Good and bad ...stuff happening let's just say too many people too much actitud!

Not being drama queen, just saying.
Like for me it seems like an uphill battle. Being honest.

In the end good music, some parties have good atmospheres and some are kind of ambivalent.

Just got to make the best of it.

Really??? How strange....:confused:
The roads are bedlam, bumper to bumper, no lack of visitors it would appear.

Only been out twice, Bora Bora was busy busy of a Sunday afternoon, Space was desperately quiet. Sad to see how it has become a shadow of the former day/ night party.

Other time out for Ibiza town/ Defected opening at Boom. Ibiza town nice and lively, lots of people around, Boom ended up really quite full, people were queueing to get in still @ 04:00.

Generally seems very busy in Santa Eularia, in the evenings most eating places seem near capacity. The complex where we live is full for the first time this year.

I have been back and forwards to London throughout the summer and every flight has been full.
yes one thing is sure, the island as such is very busy. the traffic right now is actually the worst I've ever witnessed.
Interesting points.

Diversity of nights is good but I would prefer there were less big nights, rather than many smaller ones.
If i wanted an intimate night I would do that here in the UK.

I do always wonder how numbers (who actually go clubbing) compare with that from the busy Manumission days when Priv had 12,000 people in there and Gatecrasher rammed them in etc.. would it be more than now or the same just spread out differently?
All I meant to say that compared to my other time here I have found a very broad amount of people that are vacationing , from mainland.

Which is good.

Last year, I found spaniards but not in the vast amount that I am finding- I am not complaining just making an observation.

I know we are in spain.

Anyways - I digress.

I love spaniards ... Especially the women even if they are a bit mean or insensitive , they come around and understand me finally.

The bartender at pintxos ibiza is a true model of that. She is a beut. In her own right .

Much love teresa and the owner!

Bilbao is awesome!
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And about boom!

That defected night is hugely underated!


Very sexy, very accesible, very friendly and very caribbean themed housed. Lots of latin house and very interesting flavours you would not find in other nights.

It is good!

The djs are underated for reasons beyond what I know.

Anyways, very friendly vibe!

Very happy and acessible sound that works itself to a much darker and moodier tech house sound and theme.

The girls are sexy , the dancers are very hot , very sexy.
Good job boom for attention to detail.
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And about boom!

That defected night is hugely underated!


Very sexy, very accesible, very friendly and very caribbean themed housed. Lots of latin house and very interesting flavours you would not find in other nights.

It is good!

The djs are underated for reasons beyond what I know.

Anyways, very friendly vibe!

Very happy and acessible sound that works itself to a much darker and moodier tech house sound and theme.

The girls are sexy , the dancers are very hot , very sexy.
Good job boom for attention to detail.

I really wanted to go Defected. Love the music that label produces. Can't remember why I wasn't more forth-going with my friends!
Hmm... another wave of event closings this week, including Usuaia boat parties.

It does seem to be getting too fragmented
Nostrum got it right (as he is in the know of course!) theres too much going on, Ive been going since 97 and the choice of things to do party wise was staggering this year.
or the island is full of too many non-clubby types?

i've been asking myself exactly this question for a while now. the island still seems full if you look at the traffic etc and the airport figures, but the clubs aren't as usual - but then again the offer has never been as big before.

the good thing about it is that it's the comfiest august for clubbing i've ever seen! you can still dance!