ibizavoice hat seine website zum thema dc10closing/reopening upgedatet.
Authorities wants to shut down DC10 for 1 year
on the eve of their re-opening.
Posted: 11/8/08 12:26
After 2 months of closing, DC10 was ready to re-open next weekend
when they received the new sanction from authorities:
They asked 1 year closing,
and 300 000 Euros fine (the maximum penalty).
The new closure concern the legal capacity;
68 persons maximum, as well as sound "pollution".
DC 10 can contest the decision, they have one month to do so.
The club should then be able to open next weekend till the end of the season.
As previously mentioned the treat against DC10 is stronger then ever,
enjoy it as it could be the last days of DC10 as we know it...
heute hinzugefügt:
It's been a somewhat sombre week in Ibiza.
Since the news was revealed in the local paper, (rather poignantly on Monday morning)
it has been evident that somebody, somewhere wants DC10 closed,
and they're going to get their way.
Call it the force of the disco mafia,
call it the naïve manouevering of a new government,
call it corrupt town hall officials;
Mediterranean islands are not renowned for their squeaky clean politics,
but ultimately the end result will be the same.
We've had our 10 years of freedom, we've executed some of the best parties
this generation has ever seen, Circo Loco has attracted tens, if not hundreds
of thousands of party-goers and music lovers from all over the world
and spawned an complete global connection of promoters inspired by
their experiences there.
If New York had the Paradise Garage and London had Shoom,
well we've had DC10, and guess what?
We'll have it again on Friday!
It almost feels like this is an obituary for the club, and perhaps it almost is.
But in that case, it's slightly premature, and for that I do apologise.
DC10 does have one month to appeal against the one year ban and the
300,000 euros fine ( the highest amount possible to fine a venue in this case)
but after 2 years of problems and many more skirting on the edge of the law,
it'd take a complete overthrow of the current political powers to rein in the force
of their mission to turn this island into St Tropez.
And I can't really see that happening this side of elections.
So in the meantime...
Let's Rave One More Time.
But We're Circo Loco
and We're Not Over Yet.
This Friday sees the end of the last 2 month ban, and the re-opening
(for however brief) of the best little club in Ibiza.
Take advantage of it.
Be outside at 16.30 on the dot.
Wear your DC10 T Shirt with pride, and stay until the very very end.
And if you're not on the island at the minute.....Get here.
Get a flight, by hook or by crook, get yourself to Ibiza in the next few weeks
and experience what might be the last chance to go completely Circo Loco at DC10.
Pay to get in, Buy the CD, Buy the T Shirt and support this closely knit and perpetually
persecuted collection of resident DJs and promoters who started a party in a bar
on the side of the road 10 years ago, and have dedicated themselves
to one party a week since then...
Authorities wants to shut down DC10 for 1 year
on the eve of their re-opening.
Posted: 11/8/08 12:26
After 2 months of closing, DC10 was ready to re-open next weekend
when they received the new sanction from authorities:
They asked 1 year closing,
and 300 000 Euros fine (the maximum penalty).
The new closure concern the legal capacity;
68 persons maximum, as well as sound "pollution".
DC 10 can contest the decision, they have one month to do so.
The club should then be able to open next weekend till the end of the season.
As previously mentioned the treat against DC10 is stronger then ever,
enjoy it as it could be the last days of DC10 as we know it...

heute hinzugefügt:
It's been a somewhat sombre week in Ibiza.
Since the news was revealed in the local paper, (rather poignantly on Monday morning)
it has been evident that somebody, somewhere wants DC10 closed,
and they're going to get their way.
Call it the force of the disco mafia,
call it the naïve manouevering of a new government,
call it corrupt town hall officials;
Mediterranean islands are not renowned for their squeaky clean politics,
but ultimately the end result will be the same.
We've had our 10 years of freedom, we've executed some of the best parties
this generation has ever seen, Circo Loco has attracted tens, if not hundreds
of thousands of party-goers and music lovers from all over the world
and spawned an complete global connection of promoters inspired by
their experiences there.
If New York had the Paradise Garage and London had Shoom,
well we've had DC10, and guess what?
We'll have it again on Friday!
It almost feels like this is an obituary for the club, and perhaps it almost is.
But in that case, it's slightly premature, and for that I do apologise.
DC10 does have one month to appeal against the one year ban and the
300,000 euros fine ( the highest amount possible to fine a venue in this case)
but after 2 years of problems and many more skirting on the edge of the law,
it'd take a complete overthrow of the current political powers to rein in the force
of their mission to turn this island into St Tropez.
And I can't really see that happening this side of elections.
So in the meantime...
Let's Rave One More Time.
But We're Circo Loco
and We're Not Over Yet.
This Friday sees the end of the last 2 month ban, and the re-opening
(for however brief) of the best little club in Ibiza.
Take advantage of it.
Be outside at 16.30 on the dot.
Wear your DC10 T Shirt with pride, and stay until the very very end.
And if you're not on the island at the minute.....Get here.
Get a flight, by hook or by crook, get yourself to Ibiza in the next few weeks
and experience what might be the last chance to go completely Circo Loco at DC10.
Pay to get in, Buy the CD, Buy the T Shirt and support this closely knit and perpetually
persecuted collection of resident DJs and promoters who started a party in a bar
on the side of the road 10 years ago, and have dedicated themselves
to one party a week since then...