sind die wahnsinnig ??? (clubschliessungen und neue öffnungszeiten)

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für alle, die es bis jetzt nicht wahrhaben wollten/glauben konnten,
dass es vorbei ist mit tagesparties/"afterparties" im space ...

... hier der "offizielle" beweis -
ausser sonntags geht nix mehr vor 18uhr:

für alle, die es bis jetzt nicht wahrhaben wollten/glauben konnten,
dass es vorbei ist mit tagesparties/"afterparties" ...
... und tatsächlich fängt sogar "the one and only" circolocoparty im dc10
erst um 16.30 an


"DC10 Circoloco to be shut for 57 days,
on the orders of the Spanish government."

After a glorious start to the season the Spanish authorities have stepped in to quash DC10 -
declaring last year's 60 day closure order must stand, and that the club
which was closed for days last June has to serve the "remaining" 57 days of its ban.

Ibiza Voice spoke exclusively to Circoloco's Andrea Pelino,
who is understandably devastated by the news.
"I feel like DC10 is the monster of the island, like they hate us.
I don't understand why this always happens," he says, audibly upset.
The decision appears timed to cause maximum havoc to Circoloco.
One-hundred plus security, staff and DJs have been contracted for the summer.
Fans and friends have booked their holidays to Ibiza.
All eyes are on the island and the message that will be flashed around the world
tomorrow will - undoubtedly - be "drug den DC10 shut down."

"The club was open all winter, and we were talking to the authorities,
asking for their decision. You have to ask why they chose to shut us now,"
Andrea comments. He is quietly angry, too.
"We bring people to the island all year round.
People charter jets to fly to our New Year's Day party.
Circo Loco is around the world now.
We work with great artists like Bjork and Massive Attack,
we have parties in the best clubs all over the world.
But here we're demonised."

First it was no after-hours…
now the attitude seems to be "no" full-stop.

There is only one thing to do: link up and fight back.
"I want the support of the people.
I would like to see 100,000 clubbers write to the government and ask 'why?'"
says Andrea.
Circo Loco will be fighting back, though.
"Before I cooperated, I tried to do everything the government asked.
But now I'm going to be strong.
I have a lot of questions about this decision and I want answers.
The situation is crazy.
Circoloco started a movement in Ibiza.
We brought the underground people together.
This is ridiculous.
I've put 100% of my heart into this club and I'm going to fight for it."

"Circo Loco was born in DC10 and it's not going to another club, never, ever..."

At the moment Andrea is wrestling with whether to close the club
from Friday or to have a final party on Monday before beginning the 57 day closure.
Whatever his choice his loyalty to the club is absolute and he firmly rules out
a move to another venue:

"Circo Loco was born in DC10 and it's not going to another club,
never, ever.
If DC10 is closed Circoloco is closed."

Why? Indeed.
It defies belief that the Spanish government continues to single out DC10
for special treatment, that it continues to treat Ibiza's most important industry
as if it were something to be ashamed of.
Already the island is facing a quieter season than ever.
So far, tourist numbers are 20,000 less than the same time last year.
Club owners, promoters, bars, small businesses, hotels, taxi drivers…
the entire economy of the island faces a crunch as the knock on effect
from the after-hours ban is exacerbated by the economic downturn
and unseasonable rain in the early season.

Ibiza needs DC10.
These aren't just a couple of local discos,
these are world-famous clubs that partiers from Argentina to Asia
come specifically to visit.
They are part of the lifeblood of the island.

Shutting them will deal the island an economic blow
it won't recover from this summer,
and maybe not even the next.

What's more, the draconian police tactics will discourage visitors from booking
in coming years, leading to long term repercussions.
"It's crazy," Andrea says with a sigh. Ibiza Voice couldn't agree more.

These clubs - they are part of our lifestyle, our music culture,
they're where we celebrate music and freedom and the true spirit of Ibiza.
If we lose them,
we lose part of what makes Ibiza magical.

It's not just DC10, either.
Amnesia - closed alongside DC10 last year - is in danger of being shut again as well,
according to a source close to the club.

Post your comments, write letters, send emails…
do whatever you can to make your voice heard.
This is our freedom they're taking away -
it's time to take it back.
Das darf doch nicht wahr sein :(

Letztes Jahr kein Glück gehabt als wir unten waren und nun fängt die gleiche Scheisse wieder an ... Mist
oh mann das stinkt doch zum himmel. hat sich wohl schon ein andere club die hände gerieben weil circoloco ausweichen könnte aber:

"Circo Loco was born in DC10 and it's not going to another club,
never, ever.
If DC10 is closed Circoloco is closed."
echt scheisse für die, die jetzt runterfliegen. hab zum glück erst im september gebucht

JAAAA, RICHTIG Scheisse!!! Aber im September flieg ich auch nochmal...
Tröstet aber wenig, da ich JETZT mit Nadine feiern wollte!

wer weiss was bis september ist....
das ist krank und wirtschaftlicher selbstmord -
die saison 08 läuft sowieso schon nicht gut ...
und diese gestörten verunsichern die leute noch mehr
mit solchen aktionen.
amnesia wackelt ja auch schon wieder ...

beiss' nicht die hand die dich füttert!!!!!!!

das sollte man den damen und herren dieser lustigen runde mal erklären.... :spank:
Ab wann machen die zu???? Ab sofort?
dc10 muss innerhalb von 5 werktagen zumachen ...

The Delegation of the Government orders the closing of the DC10 during two months

The Delegation of the Government has decreed and notified the owners the suspension of activities
of the record store DC10 of Sant Jordi during two months, after the Court have reckoned the resource
of the public Prosecutor upon I unsealing of the dictated localities Judged Quarrelsome Administrative in June of 2007.

After the new notification, the businessman has five work days to close
voluntarily its localities and to communicate it to the Civil Guard so that raise the corresponding minutes of seal.
Otherwise, will have to proceed to the subsidiary execution of the closing on the part
of the Delegation of the Government by means of a resolution.

The procedure began in September of 2005, when two accusations of the Civil Guard against the DC10
were interposed by tolerating the consumption of narcotic substances in the interior of the localities.
As it was a matter of a recidivist localities, since had been sanctioned by the same facts in May of 2005,
in August of 2006 him was imposed an economic sanction of 6,000 euro
and the suspension of activities by a period of two months was decreed.
This seal was not carried out finally by a car of the Court Quarrelsome Administrative number 3 of Palm,
that decided to maintain the suspension of the resolution of the
Insular Direction attending the possible labor and economic damage that can suffer
the localities and to assure an "effective judicial guardianship to its rights and interests".

The lawyer of the business DC10 assured in its day that the closing by tolerating the consumption
and the sale of drug in the interior of the establishment "is not consistent"
because that presumed permissiveness "is not reputable".
It assured besides that the property of the DC10 arranges since time ago
of "measures of security" to control the interior of the localities,
among them securitycameras, and that the number of these
"they were going to increase".
OHH MAN!!! jetzt geht der bulls*** schon wieder los!
das kann/will man nicht verstehen!!

und was ist den mit dem amnesia schon wieder!??

...dann kann ich nur hoffen das sich bis anfang september wieder alles beruhigt hat!

für die die jetzt gehen hoffe ich das es vlt doch nicht so weit kommt,
wunder gibt es ja bekanntlich immer wieder (siehe auch gestern in basel:D)
Leute, Leute,........ war gestern Abends in Dalt Villa, ein englisches Paerchen hat davon erzaehlt, wollte das jedoch nicht glauben 8O

Naja, langsam wirds ja wirklich laecherlich, ich denk jetzt hat es sich fuer das DC 10 erledigt, die wollen sie ja wirklich offensichtlich loswerden.

Wobei ich weiterhin nicht so richtig verstehe, wieso zwar am BORA BORA am Tag der Baer tobt, und anscheinend alles in Ordnung ist, jedoch die anderen Tagesveranstaltungen so boese sind ?

Jetzt hoer ich aber auf, sonst drehen Sie das auch noch zu !

P.S letzter Tag, morgen gehts nach Hause :(
und so wenig Touris wie gestern Abend in der Altstadt hab ich noch nie gesehen,
Icy hat anscheinend Recht mit dem schwachen Saisonstart
P.S letzter Tag, morgen gehts nach Hause :(
und so wenig Touris wie gestern Abend in der Altstadt hab ich noch nie gesehen,
Icy hat anscheinend Recht mit dem schwachen Saisonstart

ich fliege heute nacht ... schauen wir mal was mich da heuer erwartet ... bericht folgt... 8)