Shortest time in a club?


Active Member
During my recent week in San An, I had one night where I felt like Kevin and Perry's parents, being adventurous, and going to a night/venue I didn't really belong in. I chose Clubland closing @ Eden. I don't want to attack the event, cause there were plenty there of a certain age that enjoyed it, but I'll just say it wasn't my scene and leave it at that.

In all, I left after 40 mins. Would have left sooner, but for a short time there was something reminiscent of Pontins holidays from my childhood about it.
If I were to pick a night with the youngest, up for it crowd in Ibiza, then it would be Clubland.

Even Kevin and Perrys parents didnt make that mistake.....they went to Amnesia:)
Nope, got the first nightbus back to San An as it was one of our mates last nights.

Free entry wrist bands come in handy ;)
Once went into Eden for about 15 mins and only lasted half an hour at We Love last year because I felt rough. It was my girlfriends first time at Space as well :spank:
for a short time there was something reminiscent of Pontins holidays from my childhood about it.

:lol:. It's not a night even my baby face is likely to be handed a free wristband to ! We were all 18 once ...

Recently mine would probably be Guarana earlier in the year. Guess it's more of a bar tho' .. less than a minute. Walked in and through to an empty dancefloor and walked straight back out again. 2 minutes in Aura when I arrived too early as well - went to the nearest k*****g shop instead and never made it back ;).

Haven't misjudged a big club night in a while tho' - largely thanks to spending so much time digesting all the great info on here.
5 minutes in Clubland last year. My mate met a larger lady in the West End on the last night of our holiday. She was on her way to Clubland so he wanted to go with her. Being desperate for the ride he offered to pay for my drinks and ticket if i would just go in and hang around for an hour while he sealed the deal. I managed 5 minutes and snook off. To be fair to my mate musical taste beat his reproductive urges and he was out 10 minutes after (100 Euros down on the deal).
5 minutes in Clubland last year. My mate met a larger lady in the West End on the last night of our holiday. She was on her way to Clubland so he wanted to go with her. Being desperate for the ride he offered to pay for my drinks and ticket if i would just go in and hang around for an hour while he sealed the deal. I managed 5 minutes and snook off. To be fair to my mate musical taste beat his reproductive urges and he was out 10 minutes after (100 Euros down on the deal).

:lol: - it's at that sort of juncture that I wonder whether it's really so bad to just shell out your 70Euros and be done with it :?: At least you can still get a good evening in somewhere you really fancy ;)
I am still sticking with the spinster approach (me being the spinster. Although if I was approaching only spinsters it may explain my lack of success)
5 minutes in Clubland last year. My mate met a larger lady in the West End on the last night of our holiday. She was on her way to Clubland...

That's the one thing that baffled me during my 40 mins in Clubland, trying not to be rude but there was a higher than average number of overweight people in there. Surprising cause the stuff they play is high octane techno, you'd think there'd be calories burnt like no tomorrow.
I am still sticking with the spinster approach (me being the spinster. Although if I was approaching only spinsters it may explain my lack of success)

:confused: don't know if they're spinsters (don't always get round to names, let alone marital statuses !) but at least you can choose which one you like best and get on with it :lol:.

Surprising cause the stuff they play is high octane techno, you'd think there'd be calories burnt like no tomorrow.

:idea: but there are many fast-food outlets in the vicinity which (along with copious quantities of beer at the local drinking establishments) most likely contribute to neutralizing any weight loss benefits which might otherwise accrue to the said punters ?? Calzone & Big Macs to the rescue ??

Were they all dancing their nuts off ?

[to recap .. so is the average Clubland profile is now 18-21 and overweight ? :confused:]
:confused: don't know if they're spinsters (don't always get round to names, let alone marital statuses !) but at least you can choose which one you like best and get on with it :lol:.

:idea: but there are many fast-food outlets in the vicinity which (along with copious quantities of beer at the local drinking establishments) most likely contribute to neutralizing any weight loss benefits which might otherwise accrue to the said punters ?? Calzone & Big Macs to the rescue ??

Were they all dancing their nuts off ?

[to recap .. so is the average Clubland profile is now 18-21 and overweight ? :confused:]

There is a worryingly large amount of young British people that are overweight and styless in comparison with those from other countries.
I think that parental apathy and lack of education are largely to blame...... and crap processed food.
Helena Rubinstein famously quoted ''There are no ugly women (insert people) in this world, only lazy ones''

Lifestyles are installed in our children's minds at a very early age and being a parent is a huge's a shame that so many people are making a mess of it and basically dont give a sh*t.
There is a worryingly large amount of young UK/USA people that are overweight and styless in comparison with those from other countries.
I think that parental apathy and lack of education are largely to blame...... and crap processed food.
Helena Rubinstein famously quoted ''There are no ugly women (insert people) in this world, only lazy ones''


There are people that only strobe lights make them look ok. The young people don't go outside and play like I did as a young one. I made my older son go outside and play and stay away fron the game console, TV, and computer. Does not remembering the time you spent in the club count? If it does I went to Space remembered standing in the ques, next thing I knew a mate was saying there closed because they shut the music off. I said nothing but ok lets go.
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Helena Rubinstein famously quoted ''There are no ugly women (insert people) in this world, only lazy ones''

Errr....excuse me?


Before anybody else did .....