! SHOCKING NEWS ! hauskitten ...

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Look closely - they've dodged any legalities by calling it Iron instead of Irn -

You get tons of cheap Irn Bru clones up here with that spelling :lol:

In law I dont think that actually matters, its the fact that its the same name and its orange is probably enough....

Not the nicest stuff anyway:lol::lol:

... hauskitten ...


... is N O T ...


... online !

get a room you guys!
its the equivalent of coca cola suing everyone who ever produced 'cola'

hmm i dont know, i think cola is more the generic name for the drink
its more like if people called a new drink koka kola or something and put it in a red and white can

im not a brand lawyer or anything but i think there is a law called "passing off" which stops you infringing peoples copyrights in this way

in any case, it still tastes rank!!:D
WAKE UP hauskitten !

... another day, another dollar!

... the early bird catches the worm !

... etcpp ...

hauskitten on the 1st:
I'm not having a good day I think my lovely bf just dumped me 8O

hauskitten on the 3rd:
Its ok only lasted for a few sad hours ...

hauskitten yesterday:
I'm newly available ...:

hauskitten today:

Ummm I just remembered a gift I got while still single back in the year 0...I still have an "inflatable husband (I suppose also could be used for inflatable boyfriend or one-night stand)" in a box on the attic. Never been used. Does not leave smelly socks lying around and does not watch football. One word and he's yours HK ;)

PS: Unfortunately, he does not earn any money.
i have a terrible suspicion:

... hauskitten AND naked have disappeared