Selfies do not maketh the man...

From the latest Ibiza Rocks House review (from Spotlight)

''Banana in hand, I decided to explore a bit and found myself on the rooftop terrace. A crowd of flashes surrounded a giant martini glass filled with water and garnished with a beautiful woman who danced and posed to the background music. She was magnetic- kicking water into the air and whipping her hair around- so, despite my hesitation I found myself taking snapchats, instagrams and selfies right along with everyone else.''
I saw an interview with Dan Bilzerian. He was saying how when he was younger, he has no photos of some of the stuff he done, so now he makes a conscious effort to say, capture the moment, so you have some photos of your experiences.I guess taking a selfie is just a safer, and takes less effort/time, than getting someone else to take a photo.
I took a couple of selfies recently, and in the act found myself cringing like a barstard...even though I was at the top of a cliff watching a sunset with nobody else around. Not for me.

Has there been any sightings of 'selfie sticks' in Ibiza clubs yet? Surely its only a matter of time.
Some guy had a go pro on a stick taking selfies in sankeys Manchester a few weeks ago. I thought I was tripping a first, very strange.