security door with search in ibiza club??

why are u talking in the third person? perhaps j need to slow down on the vodka?

i really don't appreciate how people poke fun at others who are not writing in their native language. maybe we should restrict this ibiza forum to posts in spanish and catalan and see how you get on then?
i really don't appreciate how people poke fun at others who are not writing in their native language. maybe we should restrict this ibiza forum to posts in spanish and catalan and see how you get on then?

I thought his English came across really well and salute him for that, thought the third person bit was funny though as with his level of English (clearly very good) I persumed he knew how to say I this I that etc...
What about inhalers? Reckon that security would take off the lid and check it should I decide to take any little extras in with me? They never bother in the UK so I doubt they would over there but better to be safe than sorry.
i really don't appreciate how people poke fun at others who are not writing in their native language. maybe we should restrict this ibiza forum to posts in spanish and catalan and see how you get on then?

no un problema. el español es mi primera lengua, francais est mon 2ème & deutscher ist das drittel.
i really don't appreciate how people poke fun at others who are not writing in their native language. maybe we should restrict this ibiza forum to posts in spanish and catalan and see how you get on then?

Ho sento. No significa que es burlen. L'anglès és molt bo he d'admetre. Que no passi de nou ... no de mi de totes maneres.

I can't speak welsh so I can't help you however I'm flattered that you've taken the time to find some welsh phrases just for me !

Can u translate them for me please lol
Awww go on... even though I could easily ask one of my many welsh speaking friends I would so much prefer you to do it :lol: