security door with search in ibiza club??


New Member
j would like to know if there is security door to detect metal like in amsterdam with big search club or just a little search at the door? thanksss
Yeah they frisk you like crazy. Not worth trying to take any metal in with you??

I'm trying to think of something metal that isn't a knife that he is thinking about?
Yeah they frisk you like crazy. Not worth trying to take any metal in with you??

I'm trying to think of something metal that isn't a knife that he is thinking about?

only thing i can see him being worried about is a knife or a syringe
what ...
... metal ...
... ? ? ?

in case you didn´t know:
every dumb****´s cojones are cut off immediately by the security
WITH the knife that sucker tried to smuggle inside the club -
all these cojones will be nailed at the entrance door !
what ...

... ? ? ?

in case you didn´t know:
every dumb****´s cojones are cut off immediately by the security
WITH the knife that sucker tried to smuggle inside the club -
all these cojones will be nailed at the entrance door !

I always wondered what that was on the door!!! Thanks for clearing it up.
l o l not for a knife

j ask this beacause j had always a very little bottle with inside vodka , very pratic but it s in metal , so j jut want to know if there are security metal door , or just a search beacause with just the search there is no proleme , alcool price are incredibleeee so we have to find solutionn

so someone knowsss ?????
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it s a small bottle very very practical punt to arrange in my pants and j'put my perfect vodka amount puts at it of which j' have need for one evening and that to each time I leave in club, which j m' avoid paying 5 or 6 glasses in the evening and with final I buy just one and I make economies but in holland I am make roasted in a club because of security door , in France there is no problem beacause no security metal door and the search is light
... bottle ... j'put my perfect vodka amount puts at it of which j' have need for one evening ...
... j m' avoid paying 5 or 6 glasses in the evening ...

omg - trying to bring your own bottle is way more dangerous than bringing a knife,
because the ibizadiscomafia has no sense of humour if you try to avoid buying
their ridiculously overpriced drinks :lol:

if you can hide it it won´t be a problem to enter the door,
because their is no special metal-search.
but if security watches you inside pouring your own stuff in a glass
they might kick your ass and throw you out :)
I always wondered what that was on the door!!!
Thanks for clearing it up.
some securities take the nuts and hang them at their car ...

... but officially that´s not allowed by "the authorities" !