"Secret Venue" parties in London


Well-Known Member
Am i the only one thats getting pissed off seeing so many parties advertised as "Secret venue to be announced soon" when they are all at one of 3 or 4 venues , namely Hearne st carpark , Worship st warehouse or the other warehouse around there . If i wanted to go to the party i'd go whichever place they held it and really dont see the point in saying its secret cos they are all legal venues .
Am i the only one thats getting pissed off seeing so many parties advertised as "Secret venue to be announced soon" when they are all at one of 3 or 4 venues , namely Hearne st carpark , Worship st warehouse or the other warehouse around there . If i wanted to go to the party i'd go whichever place they held it and really dont see the point in saying its secret cos they are all legal venues .

Or something in the Kings Cross Goods Yard!

I concur.....just annoying because your hoping its some new and inspiring venue thats never been used for such purposes and then its always a well known venue used every other week for raving!

Although they did throw some sort of semi-legal party on Curtain Rd last weekend in a disused space next to the Elbow Rooms.....was tempted to check it out and then walked by and realised it was a) Dubstep b) 99.9% geezers, most of whom looked like a shower wouldnt go amiss c) Avg age was about 19....so I passed
Yeah but seems they are marketing it towards people who have never been to these type of things tho doesnt it?
The best one of these parties I went to was the 2nd I.S.S.T party in a space on Tooley st , London Bridge . It was just down the road from the station and it was a basically a giant cave , im talking massive , much bigger than they needed . Think Mulletover did a party there too .
Another one years ago was in a disused theatre some art students stumbled upon in Peckham , they were squatting there and put 3 WoWoW parties they were insane , proper dodgy with the police trying to get in n stuff but great parties .
Am i the only one thats getting pissed off seeing so many parties advertised as "Secret venue to be announced soon" when they are all at one of 3 or 4 venues , namely Hearne st carpark , Worship st warehouse or the other warehouse around there . If i wanted to go to the party i'd go whichever place they held it and really dont see the point in saying its secret cos they are all legal venues .

I did read one of the promoters justify all this, and though I can't remember what they said, though I thought it was fair enough. (sorry, not much help!)

I think people are all a bit overly cynical about it in this instance.

It's not pretending it's 1987 and you're round the m25 orbital. It's too hard to get away with all that these days.

It's just a case of keeping the riff raff out, and on the borderline licensing issues (like the Hearn St place only has the licence (and it has to be granted specially in each case) to hold 12 do's a year. If they want to hold any more, then they'd be foolish to advertise them as such.

The few I've been to have been awesome, and I know this is all a bit unhouse, though I'd choose a legal warehouse rave (not that I want it too 'sanitised or anything, though I think these do's are a happy medum), over an illegal one, with moody characters, police closing you down at midnight, **** sound systems and poorly thought out bars etc.

Or maybe I'm just getting old!
My point is that I dont really see the need to say they are secret at all as they are legal venues and the parties wouldnt really attract dodgy characters much more than any of the clubs in those areas . Im with Dan its good to know that the party isnt gona get shut down but still feels more underground than your average club
Im not really bothered about the underground/overground, illegal/legal points I guess - more about the fact that its always the same 4-5 venues - which arent particularly secret!
Yeah but seems they are marketing it towards people who have never been to these type of things tho doesnt it?
The best one of these parties I went to was the 2nd I.S.S.T party in a space on Tooley st , London Bridge . It was just down the road from the station and it was a basically a giant cave , im talking massive , much bigger than they needed . Think Mulletover did a party there too .

was that the one with jesse rose? I thought the venue was rubbish. the girls toilets were unlit portaloos with no running water and it was a nu-rave fest full of teenagers who weren't there the first time round clutching myspace glowsticks. jesse rose was amazing but for £15 i'd at least expect seats in such a huge venue with SUCH a dirty floor.

Unit 7 at cable street studios is my current fave - it's got just the right balance between 'underground' and 'skank'. It's suitably rough round the edges, but has all your home comforts like ice in your drink, proper loos with loo roll, decent soundsystem...
Unit 7 at cable street studios is my current fave - it's got just the right balance between 'underground' and 'skank'. It's suitably rough round the edges, but has all your home comforts like ice in your drink, proper loos with loo roll, decent soundsystem...

All about the loo roll!!!

Couple of friends went a few weeks ago. Think it was a Phonica records party or something?? Said it was pretty good.

Do they do events there weekly or more one of etc as cant find any upcoming events there and been wanting to check it out for a while.
All about the loo roll!!!

Couple of friends went a few weeks ago. Think it was a Phonica records party or something?? Said it was pretty good.

Do they do events there weekly or more one of etc as cant find any upcoming events there and been wanting to check it out for a while.

loo roll is super-important - it can make or break the night!!!

i went the week before the Phonica one - Toni D from Kubicle was promoting along with the minimal hospital guys. one of the best nights i've had in london. I was gonna go back for the Phonica party but was stuck at a friend's birthday party in the west end :twisted::twisted:


don't know how often they do things there - think its more of a one off event place than weekly...
loo roll is super-important - it can make or break the night!!!

i went the week before the Phonica one - Toni D from Kubicle was promoting along with the minimal hospital guys. one of the best nights i've had in london. I was gonna go back for the Phonica party but was stuck at a friend's birthday party in the west end :twisted::twisted:


don't know how often they do things there - think its more of a one off event place than weekly...

Hmmm.....interesting (said whilst stroking imaginary wispy beard)

Will def keep a look out for the next event there....the RA overview of it says "its fast becoming the Panorama Bar of London" - slightly bold statement me thinks but if its half as good it will still be ace!
Hmmm.....interesting (said whilst stroking imaginary wispy beard)

Will def keep a look out for the next event there....the RA overview of it says "its fast becoming the Panorama Bar of London" - slightly bold statement me thinks but if its half as good it will still be ace!

haha yes I saw that too. did you go to panorama / bergein / whatever its called when you were in berlin? i'll be needing some tips from you in the new year!
haha yes I saw that too. did you go to panorama / bergein / whatever its called when you were in berlin? i'll be needing some tips from you in the new year!

Yes I did....Amazing!!! - they have a notoriously ridiculous door policy but we were v. lucky I guess

Am seriously working on getting my friends to go again in Feb because Secret Sundaze are doing an event at Panorama Bar!!! They dragging their heels because we were just there a few weeks ago so might just book a ticket and prepare to go just myself whilst i cont to bug them about it - not something Id normally do but is that good and the thought of SS at Panorama Bar is making me wriggle around in my seat in a way thats probably not quite appropriate for the office!
Yes I did....Amazing!!! - they have a notoriously ridiculous door policy but we were v. lucky I guess

Am seriously working on getting my friends to go again in Feb because Secret Sundaze are doing an event at Panorama Bar!!! They dragging their heels because we were just there a few weeks ago so might just book a ticket and prepare to go just myself whilst i cont to bug them about it - not something Id normally do but is that good and the thought of SS at Panorama Bar is making me wriggle around in my seat in a way thats probably not quite appropriate for the office!

interesting...... (ss at panorama, not you wriggling :lol:) i may have to pull my trip forward!
I went to a secret loft party on curtain road on saturday - you wait for the last minute email and then they let me you know. I didn't think it was all that, in truth, and because the doorstaff forgot to collect the tickets, it meant that the venue had more people than tickets sold as people kept going outside to call up mates and then hand them their tickets. Utter shambles - making it uncomfortably hot and sweaty inside with only a small overcrowded terrace outside.

we may well see a further explosion of these kinds of events, legal or otherwise, because flypostering is getting increasingly risky around the area and promoters can get heavy fines or worse if the rozzers get involved.

I also think that given the continuing decline of Shoreditch on Saturday nights - [I saw some disgusting violence and racial abuse hurled at the tesco staff when I went in to stock up on water] a lot of parties will become more and more discreet to keep the twats out.
I went to a secret loft party on curtain road on saturday - you wait for the last minute email and then they let me you know. I didn't think it was all that, in truth, and because the doorstaff forgot to collect the tickets, it meant that the venue had more people than tickets sold as people kept going outside to call up mates and then hand them their tickets. Utter shambles - making it uncomfortably hot and sweaty inside with only a small overcrowded terrace outside.

we may well see a further explosion of these kinds of events, legal or otherwise, because flypostering is getting increasingly risky around the area and promoters can get heavy fines or worse if the rozzers get involved.

I also think that given the continuing decline of Shoreditch on Saturday nights - [I saw some disgusting violence and racial abuse hurled at the tesco staff when I went in to stock up on water] a lot of parties will become more and more discreet to keep the twats out.

Love Fever by any chance?!

I was there and didn't find it overcrowded at all. Busy yes and probably more than 150 people as advertised but bareable and had room to dance. Didn't really venture out onto the terrace as I don't smoke & was too busy dancing which is why I was hot!!
Music wise I thought Rahaan was brilliant!
Love Fever by any chance?!

I was there and didn't find it overcrowded at all. Busy yes and probably more than 150 people as advertised but bareable and had room to dance. Didn't really venture out onto the terrace as I don't smoke & was too busy dancing which is why I was hot!!
Music wise I thought Rahaan was brilliant!

yep :)

really? I personally thought the heat made it unbearable until about 2 - and having no clean water was just :confused:

he played one or two tracks I liked eg bunny mack - let me love you (or was it the MAW version??) and azymuth - jazz carnival but he didn't mix it up enough - not enough house, too d.i.s.c.o for my tastes, but my crew loved it.
Didn't realise there was a problem with the water!

I couldn't name anything played but have seen Rahaan a couple of times before so knew what to expect. I loved the disconess!!
Quite a few people have commented on the heat, I just didn't notice it!