Scottish Vote??

If this is a fool errand how did it make it yo a referendum? Are there big differences between what the Scottish qnd the English want from their government? I'm an outsider just trying to understand the issue better.
If this is a fool errand how did it make it yo a referendum? Are there big differences between what the Scottish qnd the English want from their government? I'm an outsider just trying to understand the issue better.
Yes, there is an underlying difference in terms of socialism.

Scots rarely do defeat gracefully (and since most of my family are from Scotland I'm allowed to say that !). I firmly believe Salmond was driven by ego, quest for power and a desire to go down in the history books rather than being a man with a genuine plan.

Cameron's made a fool of himself with the last-minute giveaways and in the end I don't think it'll be Salmond with egg on his face after this fiasco.

Truth is Scottish support was heavily skewed to Glasgow, Clackmannonshire and Borders. The rest of the country had no widespread confidence and it would have been a case of a pressure group getting its own way. No proper plan, nothing thought through properly just asking a nation to vote for Independence which they would have made up as they go along after the event with no turning back.

There's a saying that "the grass is always greener on the other side" and when people get disillusioned it's tempting for them to believe that anything has to be better as long as it's different. But self-governance is only of lasting benefit if a country can thrive on its own and I don't believe that even in the medium term Scotland has enough scope to do that for generations to come. Especially when the oil and gas reserves are depleted and there's no financial centre to fill the gap. Where's its competitive edge ?
Of course I understand it's a democracy and will all have a right to vote . But they will be no better off if it's a yes vote IMO . I suppose time will tell .
I just think all it's done is build barriers between the voters and also the scots and English . Myself and a lot of the people I speak to have the opinion that every other Scotsman hates us English and what with the 50/50 split , that kinda proves true . Id be gutted if there is no more Great Britain , and you know all the best if yes wins but As the saying goes its grim up north . Just think it will get a lot grimmer .

Spoken like a true Tory. You didn't really think that through did you?
Some points of my own on this:

How is it right that a Scottish MP can vote on an English matter in Parliament?

I also can't get my head round how one country can dictate to another how to govern itself. That just seems wrong.

More powers need to be devolved to each of the 4 nations. Whether the Tories break their promises remain to be seen but I won't hold my breath.
I'm not a Tory nor labour or anyone for that matter . I have no need to vote for the liars that are mp's . ( they are merely puppets controlled by a higher being )
Wasn't a case of not thinking it through , just putting thoughts to paper wether it makes sense to you or not . Anyhow water under the bridge so they say . Heres to Great Britain
I'm not a Tory nor labour or anyone for that matter . I have no need to vote for the liars that are mp's . ( they are merely puppets controlled by a higher being )
Wasn't a case of not thinking it through , just putting thoughts to paper wether it makes sense to you or not . Anyhow water under the bridge so they say . Heres to Great Britain

Here's to powers being devolved to all the 4 Nations, an English parliament, the removal of the Barnett Formula and the stopping Scottish MSP's voting on English issues!

All coming soon :)
the removal of the Barnett Formula

Thats fine so long as the Scottish Parliament is given full control of oil revenues which lie in Scottish Waters...which i doubt very much will happen. Whilst it is often quoted that more is spent per head in Scotland v England it is rarely mentioned that spend per head in London is higher.
Thats fine so long as the Scottish Parliament is given full control of oil revenues which lie in Scottish Waters...which i doubt very much will happen. Whilst it is often quoted that more is spent per head in Scotland v England it is rarely mentioned that spend per head in London is higher.

Why should Scotland gain control of the oil if it's vote Yes to stay in the Union. Everywhere should be equal. Scotland should NOT get an advantage and we should not bargain anymore, that ship has sailed.
Why should Scotland gain control of the oil if it's vote Yes to stay in the Union. Everywhere should be equal. Scotland should NOT get an advantage and we should not bargain anymore, that ship has sailed.
Because Scotland voted no on the promise of extra powers and the oil lies in internationally defined Scottish waters. If Scotland is such a drain on the rest of the UK give them full control of their finances (including debt i add) and then there should be no further argument/resentment.
I'd like to know how many Scots went No at last min because they believed Gordon - and who are now feeling like mugs because it's obvious cameron doesn't give a XXXX about people who will never vote for him anyway. London forgot about Scotland within seconds of the result.