Scottish Vote??


Well-Known Member
What do we reckon then? Ive seen a fair few scot friends going from No voters who didnt think the independence thing had been properly thought out to now being confident YES voters. I think it really could happen.
I'm inclined to think its a bad idea but can see many reasons why people would vote yes too
Think & hope that it will be a no vote & they remain part of the Union. Going to be pretty close though, if the media, social media sites are anything to go by.
I will be shocked if we wake tomorrow morning to read that Scotland is no independent. Alex Salmond clearly hasn't got a plan if the vote is "yes". All he will of succeeded in doing is dividing Scotland as a country.
I'm not Scottish or living in Scotland so it's got nothing to do with me but I think it will be a 'no'. Alex Salmond cant give any assurances on jobs, education, health care, immigration, currency etc etc. I think saying yes in an opinion poll is very different to ticking yes and voting for the complete unknown at the ballot box.

It's very different to a General election, no matter who you vote for very little changes and when they f*** it up you can just vote against them in 4 years time. But this is a no-going-back forever change that could put millions out of work and will change Scotland forever, no question.
thats basically my opnion. And it was also the opinion of scottish friends who have since looked at both sides and decided to vote YES instead
I would've voted yes because it's a precious opportunity for nationhood, which overrides any other concern. It's not about salmond, cameron or the NHS it's about national identity. I agree it's a steep hill for YES because of the fear factor, but the debate has at least forced westminster to finally realise how little loved it is
I hope it's a Yes but think it will be a No which is tragic really. I would love an independent England, very envious they have this vote!

Many years ago people said Britain would be f***ed without the EU and Oh look what happened there.
Shouldn't be happening full stop. We are all British , I am British and English and they are British and Scottish , wether we like it or not it makes no differance . Alot of scots have always had a problem being the lesser country and that's how they think , not how we the English think , and that's ultimately why they have got to this point. Litttle man syndrome comes to mind.
The funny thing is they don't like being run by London , wait till the yes wins and see what it's like to be run by Europe . Lets see who is independent then !
Shouldn't be happening full stop.
Eh? It's called democracy. The snp had a clear win in the scottish parliament elections and thus had a mandate to negotiate a referendum with Westminster. Indeed the fact that the vote appears close warrants this a legitimate referendum to take place. It is staggering the media bias that we have seen and also the misunderstanding from people watching from the outside who are not fully aware of all the issues.
Of course I understand it's a democracy and will all have a right to vote . But they will be no better off if it's a yes vote IMO . I suppose time will tell .
I just think all it's done is build barriers between the voters and also the scots and English . Myself and a lot of the people I speak to have the opinion that every other Scotsman hates us English and what with the 50/50 split , that kinda proves true . Id be gutted if there is no more Great Britain , and you know all the best if yes wins but As the saying goes its grim up north . Just think it will get a lot grimmer .
I'm a Scot living in England for over 20 years. Salmond is a lying, freeloading f@ckwit and his sidekick Sturgeon wouldn't know the truth if it attacked her hair with a chainsaw (it may have already tbh)

If there had been a cohesive argument for independence then I would maybe have listened but the truth is it would be a financial disaster (because in their wisdom They have NO PLAN)
They don't even know what currency they will try to use ffs Maybe they can invent one? And maybe that mysterious currency, once it's been pulled out of thin air, will stop a huge recession (that Scotland will never recover from) happening?
Scottish and British and let's hope it stays that way. I don't get a vote like many other ex pats living in England.