San An in Jan


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I took some photos of all your favourite places (and some of mine) on a lovely sunny Sunday San Antonio afternoon.

here's one - can you guess what this is in summer?


or this?


for the full set visit

i hope you enjoy your virtual winter tour
Out of curiosity how do most people in these areas who run these bars etc make their wages during the off peak season?.......looks like a ghost town 8O
earning money in winter

they don't.........tend to work full on in the summer and save for winter. Also if uve had a six month contract in summer u get some money from governement in winter to help u out............most people are on the dole in the winter, so its a 6 months full on hard work (or thereabouts) n 6 months doing nothing. Many of those lucky enough to earn enough in summer go away in the winter. wish there was a winter season n work all year round. It's really, really quiet in the winter, ...still beautiful.

when I went for the new year 1999/2000 Savannah was open and we spent wondefull afternoons eating and drinking there. We even sat on the bottom wall and dipped our toes when the sun was out
I went for NYE in '99 too and I meant to go down to the sunset strip and see what it looked like.. unfortunatly I didn't get round to it.

I thought things looked strange enough 3 weeks ago at closing, I've been twice before but this time I felt it was quite cold and dull.

i'm extending my boundaries outside the box and i'll be doing the moon in june! it's ok but there's not much atmosphere.
stephen said:
i'm extending my boundaries outside the box and i'll be doing the moon in june! it's ok but there's not much atmosphere.

No chance of Russ Abbot attending then.