Royal Wedding Street Parties


No longer active
are any of you bothering? does anyone care?

I can't imagine any where I live. Are people who spend all year jealously guarding their parking 'space' by sticking wheelie bins out in the road, suddenly expected to party on down like its 1981. I think not...
one of our neighbours canvassed our street to do a party - there are only 10 houses in our street and its a very very friendly street, and we have had a few "street events" over the past 3 years since the nob neighbours moved but as Phil says - "she only wants a party so she has somewhere for her grandkids/great-grandkids to go for the day and its all organised"

Said we would join in for keeping the peace sake - ie bung a few quid her way to organise and do a bit of food however, having said that not really interested in celebrating the wedding myself (happy to have the day off tho ..) Also being the anti monarchy household we are.... Phil would feel the need to educate the kids on Oliver Cromwell and the likes....:lol::lol:

NB: by stating "very very friendly" and having a few "street Events" does not mean we live in a swingers street before Kofi responds.....
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We fancied doing something, more like a get together with friends, drinks etc but its on so bleeding early and some of our friends are away on a charity bike ride thing so I think we will be going to the BFs parents, his mum likes throwing a good party :eek::lol:
maybe it's different outside London where you still have communities but where I live is so transient, nobody knows each other any more, I just can't see how it would work ?? Everyone goes on about the East End, the queen mum, the krays only hurt their own but that world's dead surely?

:lol: @ at matt collins link - I heard there WILL be some alternative entertainment along those lines somewhere, I need to find out more
NB: by stating "very very friendly" and having a few "street Events" does not mean we live in a swingers street before Kofi responds.....

I've just been invited to a garden party by a British friend... I might actually take a long lunch to stop by for sh1ts & giggles. :lol: The royal couple arrives at 2pm our time. (at Westminster Abbey, obviously... I take it they won't be arriving at the garden party)
one of our neighbours canvassed our street to do a party - there are only 10 houses in our street and its a very very friendly street, and we have had a few "street events" over the past 3 years since the nob neighbours moved but as Phil says - "she only wants a party so she has somewhere for her grandkids/great-grandkids to go for the day and its all organised"

Said we would join in for keeping the peace sake - ie bung a few quid her way to organise and do a bit of food however, having said that not really interested in celebrating the wedding myself (happy to have the day off tho ..) Also being the anti monarchy household we are.... Phil would feel the need to educate the kids on Oliver Cromwell and the likes....:lol::lol:

NB: by stating "very very friendly" and having a few "street Events" does not mean we live in a swingers street before Kofi responds.....

I think this is quite sweet.

If it was me I'd bake a sponge. :lol:
I would say 40% of my neighbours would struggle to name the bride and groom let alone celebrate their wedding.

best of luck to the happy couple.

if it means 11 un-interupted days off work, the royals should breed more and marry more. 8)
:lol: @ at matt collins link - I heard there WILL be some alternative entertainment along those lines somewhere, I need to find out more

If your refering to this "guillotine" protest thing I wouldn't bother, they couldn't even stand up to the scrutiny of a Daybreak interview this morning - I'd consider it beneath you...

Maybe ... if... The fraudulent motorised wheel chair warrior who when not scamming me for his dishonest disabilities is prunning his 6 foot conifer fencing with a 5 foot chainsaw can link arms with the recluse next door who's garden is that overgrown it must be harboring bengal tigers and african elephants can make conversation with Bo and Luke Duke over the road, the mondeo menders who's car spends more time off the ground than the general lee can put their differences aside with the obese mongrel breeder who at the 1st sight of 18 degrees is off down the river with his recently purchased wilkinsons dingy in ill fitting paper thin board shorts with secondry shorts shining through beneath cos he wont accept that board shorts dont fit then maybe just maybe there's a chance..... Let the asda smart price lager flow......8)
Maybe ... if... The fraudulent motorised wheel chair warrior who when not scamming me for his dishonest disabilities is prunning his 6 foot conifer fencing with a 5 foot chainsaw can link arms with the recluse next door who's garden is that overgrown it must be harboring bengal tigers and african elephants can make conversation with Bo and Luke Duke over the road, the mondeo menders who's car spends more time off the ground than the general lee can put their differences aside with the obese mongrel breeder who at the 1st sight of 18 degrees is off down the river with his recently purchased wilkinsons dingy in ill fitting paper thin board shorts with secondry shorts shining through beneath cos he wont accept that board shorts dont fit then maybe just maybe there's a chance..... Let the asda smart price lager flow......8)

Post of the year - ROTFLMAO 8)8)8)8)