Romford boys

Is this some kind of joke??!!! Surely it must be?! Who are those horrible chavs??

Romford is about 30miles away from the Bow Bells.... what a d1ck!
Help me out here, boys & girls

Exactly what part of the UK is the Cockney accent native to? I'd always thought South/East London.

Romford does look quite far away on a map :lol:
Help me out here, boys & girls

Exactly what part of the UK is the Cockney accent native to? I'd always thought South/East London.

Romford does look quite far away on a map :lol:

To be a cockney a "true" cockney you need to be born with in the sound of Bow Bells, The bells of St. Mary le Bow on Cheapside.

Cheapside runs from St Pauls to the bank of England if your interested ;)
To be a cockney a "true" cockney you need to be born with in the sound of Bow Bells, The bells of St. Mary le Bow on Cheapside.

Cheapside runs from St Pauls to the bank of England if your interested ;)

Is the correct answer.

However plenty of surrounding home counties chaps like to pretend they are cockneys. They needn't have bothered with the neys bit.
Well that's right in the City, isn't it?

It is but years ago they could be heard for miles. Cockneys originally came from East and South East London. But during the war as new towns where built in Essex and Kent a lot of the Cockneys where moved out to the new housing, Both sides of my Family where. Thats why half of Essex still thinks its cockney.
Is the correct answer.

However plenty of surrounding home counties chaps like to pretend they are cockneys. They needn't have bothered with the neys bit.

I dont pretend to be a cockney but to hear me speak its pure east end.......

I might just start dressing up like this :lol:

ha ha i know you what you mean.

Plenty of it out here as you know in Beverly Hills. Especially Shenfield. They love the old accent there don't they?? Also they have the 'bowl' in their walk down to a fine art too! Hollands Bar in Shenfield tends to be the main place for it.
not many real cockneys left these days - I lived in bethnal green for 2 years and the kids (regardless of colour, nationality etc) coming through nowadays all talk urban instead. Using innit out of context eg "I'm jumpin' a bendy bus, innit" "u iz disressssspecting my postcode, innit" But the old cockney slang is dying out and left to chancers like Guy Ritchie and Loaded readers from the suburbs to re-deploy in modern middle-class pub conversation. I've heard people in Richmond say "You're having a giraffe" :roll:

not much more I can add to that really...
Jon and all his family are Cockneys and I generally don't hear much of the Cockney slang being used when they talk. It's more of a case that they talk very fast, it sounds very agressive, and they use terrible pronounciation and grammar. But Jon tells me this is generally the way Eastenders speak lol.
I do hear a few things thrown in like "'E's 'avin a bubble ain't E?" "'Ave you seen the boat on 'Er" :lol:

They also have some strange habits such as "Pie Mash and Liquor" - an interesting concoction of cheap, pies filled with fatty "meat" (I once asked what type of meat it was only to be met with a blank look!), mash potato, and some kind of green slime covering it (liquor).

Not to mention the fish stalls sitting randomly outside pubs where you can come out mid-way through a drinking session and gorge yourself on cockles, whelks and mussels!! Just want I fancy with my glass of rose lol.

Strange things, the Cockneys!
Jon and all his family are Cockneys and I generally don't hear much of the Cockney slang being used when they talk. It's more of a case that they talk very fast, it sounds very agressive, and they use terrible pronounciation and grammar. But Jon tells me this is generally the way Eastenders speak lol.
I do hear a few things thrown in like "'E's 'avin a bubble ain't E?" "'Ave you seen the boat on 'Er" :lol:

They also have some strange habits such as "Pie Mash and Liquor" - an interesting concoction of cheap, pies filled with fatty "meat" (I once asked what type of meat it was only to be met with a blank look!), mash potato, and some kind of green slime covering it (liquor).

Not to mention the fish stalls sitting randomly outside pubs where you can come out mid-way through a drinking session and gorge yourself on cockles, whelks and mussels!! Just want I fancy with my glass of rose lol.

Strange things, the Cockneys!

They sound like a chapter in a Martina Cole book :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: