RIP Allister

Didnt he throw himself in front of a train like said in the first post then :?:
So it would seem. I wondered if there had been the official inquest yet but according to the article at Neillys link it will be at a later date. Of course there are already stories implying that he killed himself because he was rejected by the Big Brother show. I'm sure there is much more to it than that.
stories implying that he killed himself because he was rejected by the Big Brother show. I'm sure there is much more to it than that.

Yeah that was to be expected. He looked like the kind of person that wouldn't give a fck if he got knocked back from a crap gameshow - defo more to it than that.
Tragic end to a colourful character. The most recent Ibiza documentary would have been nothing without him.

he was everything that sums up ibiza in that
diva, excess, flamboyance and a love to party

when the missus and i saw him in the BB hopefuls - we shouted everytime for him to be put in - would have been the only reason i'd have watched the drivel
Although i never knew the guy nor even heard of him, judging from what i've read on this thread also the links he seemed like the type of fun person you'd like for a friend:)

RIP @ Allister :(
Although i never knew the guy nor even heard of him, judging from what i've read on this thread also the links he seemed like the type of fun person you'd like for a friend:)

RIP @ Allister :(

The inquest article is tragic. Obviously a troubled guy (can go with the territory if your that flamboyant #grossovergeneralisation?) & tragic to end up alone at a salvation army home.

Just a thought:

I've alway's held the belief that it take's some guts for a person to take ones own life and even more so by jumping infront of an oncoming train. I don't know how many Spotlighters have felt depressed like Allister was feeling but surely if his family and close friends were aware of his severe depression then perhap's they could of done something to help him? I'm in no-way blaming such people for the poor chap's death but just wonder if anymore could of been done to help the deceased person get out of his depressive state instead of the anti depressants he was taking. Which probably make such illness's worst.
Just a thought:

I've alway's held the belief that it take's some guts for a person to take ones own life and even more so by jumping infront of an oncoming train. I don't know how many Spotlighters have felt depressed like Allister was feeling but surely if his family and close friends were aware of his severe depression then perhap's they could of done something to help him? I'm in no-way blaming such people for the poor chap's death but just wonder if anymore could of been done to help the deceased person get out of his depressive state instead of the anti depressants he was taking. Which probably make such illness's worst.

one of the things about depression is some people can carry on as normal amongst company - its when they're alone they suffer.

A friend from way way back killed himself in Feb this year - the life and soul of the party generally but behind closed doors, suffering in silence unfortunately. no one it seemed had a clue - he was always out and about at gigs, had his own business printing band t shirts and merchandise - seemed to have a great life on the outside....

so sad....
one of the things about depression is some people can carry on as normal amongst company - its when they're alone they suffer.

A friend from way way back killed himself in Feb this year - the life and soul of the party generally but behind closed doors, suffering in silence unfortunately. no one it seemed had a clue - he was always out and about at gigs, had his own business printing band t shirts and merchandise - seemed to have a great life on the outside....

so sad....

Those who broadcast the fact that they may/will take their own life invariably do not carry out the threat.

When those who do take their own life, it is normally not anticipated.