Riots - tonight

I started it because as I explained in my post, we were told to leave work an hour early yesterday due to "planned activity in the Tottenham Court Road / Oxford Circus area". I know a lot of Spotlighters work in Central London, hence I highlighted a new thread to alert people of this possible news.

Yes, all a load of mass hysteria as we now know. But after the events of Monday night I don't think anyone could say 100% for sure it wasn't going to happen again.

Apologies Beckiboo as at the time i posted the comment, i was fuelled with anger from watching the sad event's unfolding in the UK on our local News Channel.
Apologies Beckiboo as at the time i posted the comment, i was fuelled with anger from watching the sad event's unfolding in the UK on our local News Channel.

n/p Hopefully the worst is over now and London / England can get back to normal!
Yep - it is sad indeed. Equally that neighbourhood winds up with their kids under curfew through the school holidays on account of the criminal actions of what is presumably a minority of troublemakers. Kind of takes away the feeling of a 'free society' doesn't it ? Guess you can't have a free society unless there is sufficient responsibility to go with it so everybody loses when that's missing.

One of the responses suggested in the US report though is to keep centres and activities open for kids longer to help provide productive things for them to do in pre-curfiew hours. It does not help over here that these opportunities are being closed down left, right and centre. That is obviously wrong.

It's interesting that CNN also reports about the London troubles in a different article

"Those seen taking part in rioting and looting have been from diverse ethnic backgrounds and span a wide range of ages, and many are young"

It's really not just the pre-18s who cause this kind of trouble over here.