Remember when...

Jam Man

Active Member
...back in the 90's, early 00's before smartphones were commonplace.

People would head off to Ibiza and you wouldn't hear from them for the duration of their holiday.

We'd then eagerly await the review etc. etc.

Now, thanks to FB etc. we get to see what everyone's doing where, when.

Fantastic when you're

NOT THERE!!! :spank:

Enjoy your holidays fcukers!! :rolleyes::lol:
I agree.

Why do people constantly update where they ar what they are doing on fb when in Ibiza?

A lad I know was in DC10 constantly updated his status.

Can't say I have many 'friends' that are forum regulars so am blissfully unaware*.

* tho I'd quite like to be - so out of the loop these days.
What's the whole thing with tagging now? So and so is at The Roasted Fox with Billy Bibbit, Roy of the Rovers and Jemima Puddleduck.

Thanks. For. That.

What's the whole thing with tagging now? So and so is at The Roasted Fox with Billy Bibbit, Roy of the Rovers and Jemima Puddleduck.

Thanks. For. That.



I have a friend (associate?) that checks me in at coffee shops, libraries and allsorts - plus insists on getting a camera out and documenting the process - AND posting banal information about menus (along with a photo of scallops and mention of the price*)

* true story.
What's the whole thing with tagging now? So and so is at The Roasted Fox with Billy Bibbit, Roy of the Rovers and Jemima Puddleduck.

Thanks. For. That.


:lol: - twitter is even worse ..

about an hour ago - "Does my bum look big in this" ... in WHAT ?!!!!

under an hour ago - "Where's the KFC in this mall" ... where - and yes your bum will look big in whatever if you don't stop eating there and shopping all day

5 minutes ago - "LOVE Jimmy Choo .. tweetpic" - oh no, it's a pair of shoes ffs :rolleyes:

Aaaaargggggghh !!

Their loss. If they're constantly updating FB, how can they be fully engaged with their holiday? ;)

Internet on hols is for getting info you can't find locally, changing all your flights, hotels & car hire at the last minute to spend more time away .. and keeping you amused for 15mins or so here & there when/if you're back at the hotel alone !! ;)
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See this makes me chuckle.

Twitter ain't necessarily friends based system.

People have complete freedom of choice over who they follow - and then complain about the quality of content.

Have a cull and find some Swedish porn stars or something. :lol:
I for one am fed up with people taking so many photos and videos in clubs on their phones.
Seems that ''Hands in the air'' has a different meaning these days.
I for one am fed up with people taking so many photos and videos in clubs on their phones.
Seems that ''Hands in the air'' has a different meaning these days.

:oops:Must admit I was getting on my own nerves with this last week, despite thinking that when other people did it it was bad. Borrowed my daughter's HD camera and became a bit obsessed with lasers, ice cannons and the return of the bass.
You changed your money into pesetas and you didn't care how much you spent until you got home.

...back in the 90's, early 00's before smartphones were commonplace.

People would head off to Ibiza and you wouldn't hear from them for the duration of their holiday.

We'd then eagerly await the review etc. etc.

Now, thanks to FB etc. we get to see what everyone's doing where, when.

Fantastic when you're

NOT THERE!!! :spank:

Enjoy your holidays fcukers!! :rolleyes::lol:

we know who they are :lol:
wait till tomorrow when we'll get a minute by minute update of a certain day party

I try to limit my updates to 2 or 3 during my holidays.
i deliberatley didnt bring my camera to ibiza this year, and i left my phone in the hotel every night.

i definatley had a better time enjoying the special moments instead of videoing them.

but i dont have a facebook so i havent really been able to look at my friends vids or pics from our holiday
all the other times when i had the ibiza blues wen i came back i used to just watch all the vids i had taken on my camera.
Turn phone off, turn hotel tv off, dont buy a newspaper and switch brain off.

I still use my phone on holiday sadly. But agree about the TV and newspapers.

Never ever ever get why in IBZ people would watch the TV in their rooms. First thing I do is unplug it and put it in a cupboard if possible.
Like Ferd says, in moderation its cool. I like to know how my friends holidays are going to a degree. A short video of say DC10 going off is great to see. Updates every 10 minutes of what people are eating isnt.

I'm there this weekend, and im going to try to do it as lees as poss. But if something cool is happening I might pop a pic or a vid up, if you dont like it then defriend me ;)
whilst I agree to some point about keeping off the t'internet etc i had the funniest update from my son yesterday.... from Bora Bora

"Munted city. Guys making phone calls from shoes - Seriously..!!."

I LIKE updates like this..... reminds me of Ibiza of old :lol:
i deliberatley didnt bring my camera to ibiza this year, and i left my phone in the hotel every night.

i definatley had a better time enjoying the special moments instead of videoing them.

but i dont have a facebook so i havent really been able to look at my friends vids or pics from our holiday
all the other times when i had the ibiza blues wen i came back i used to just watch all the vids i had taken on my camera.

Yeah, you are right on that one:cry:.