Recommended beach reading...


Well-Known Member
...not gonna be doing much clubbing in Ibiza next week, really just want to relax.

Anyone recommend any books around at the mo....
Buckley said:
...not gonna be doing much clubbing in Ibiza next week, really just want to relax.

Anyone recommend any books around at the mo....

Hundred years of Solitude - Garcia Marquez

It's a nobel. The book is a master piece and I'm sure you would be surprised with the latin american literature. ;)
I just finished reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell which was excellent. Its 6 stories of about 90 pages each or diffent styles- one is historical, one science fiction, but they are all linked.
Scoobie said:
I just finished reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell which was excellent. Its 6 stories of about 90 pages each or diffent styles- one is historical, one science fiction, but they are all linked.

Just remember I have a bag of books a la Scoobie at home! Mind if they travel?
i like newspapers and magazines on the beach. light enough to carry around and you won't loose the plot even if you keep an eye on the good looking volley ball player :p
I'm reading Michael Buerk's autobiography at the moment which is very good, you forget what an important reporter he was and is...its called The Road Taken.

Also the best book I have read this year is called The Zanzibar a guy called Aiden Hartley (also a reporter) - its about his impressions of Africa through his eyes and the eyes of his father....amazing.


I've also just bought Piers Morgans diaries.....looks a bit trashy and he is a real bastard....but its probably an amusing read.

If you like light hearted travel - they you can't beat an aussie writer called Peter Moore...all of his books are funny and v easy to read on the beach.
Drew said:
Buckley said:
Drew said:
Buckley said:
...not gonna be doing much clubbing in Ibiza next week, really just want to relax.

Good one!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Not even going to Space on Sunday.....

Stop it! Stop it!

You're killing me now :lol: :lol: :lol:

I promise you! It's Anna's present and she doesn't want to go there. We'll be doing whatever she wants. By the time we ruled out Egypt, we could have been going to any sunny island. Ibiza just happened be the best available flights.
Scoobie said:
I just finished reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell which was excellent. Its 6 stories of about 90 pages each or diffent styles- one is historical, one science fiction, but they are all linked.

hahaha few pages to finish reading his myself - really enjoying it.

Also read 1984 George Orwell this month - love this book.

Just bought Millenium People by JG Ballard.
Buckley said:
Drew said:
Buckley said:
Drew said:
Buckley said:
...not gonna be doing much clubbing in Ibiza next week, really just want to relax.

Good one!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Not even going to Space on Sunday.....

Stop it! Stop it!

You're killing me now :lol: :lol: :lol:

I promise you! It's Anna's present and she doesn't want to go there. We'll be doing whatever she wants. By the time we ruled out Egypt, we could have been going to any sunny island. Ibiza just happened be the best available flights.

Tell you what mate ;)

I'll book a flight for Ang and I (correct grammar :p ) and the girls can catch some rays while we get mashed!
