Recomend any specific clubs on particular nights?



An Ibiza virgin here going out on the Tuesday 15th July for 7 nights, staying in Ibiza Town.

I was just wondering if there were any specific places that are a must on particular nights?

I've seen posts saying Space is good on Sunday mornings, any recommendations for other nights/mornings/days?

Also on the other hand is there anywhere that should be avoided :confused: ?

All down to personal taste really mate. But nearly every night in Pacha is pretty damn good. Pin up is also looking at some good nights with Garlands leading the way. I reckon Hed Kandi are going to pull something special off on saturday nights aswell.
Boothy said:
I've seen posts saying Space is good on Sunday mornings, any recommendations for other nights/mornings/days?

Monday: AM > DC-10 PM: Cocoon @ Amnesia <or> Roger Sanchez @ Pacha
Tuesday: Underwater @ Pacha <or> Gatecrasher @ Amnesia
Wednesday: Subliminal @ Pacha
Thursday: Cream @ Amnesia
Friday: Open night - your call.
Saturday: Rest!
Sunday: We Love Sundays @ Space
taffy-boy said:
All down to personal taste really mate.
I'm into most forms of dance music, house, trance etc. Not too keen on some of the hard core stuff, bit too racey for me sometimes, but I'll still dance to it if I'm in the right mood ;)

Been to a few big Gatecrasher venues in the UK, NEC, Summer Sound System etc. For the most part they were spot on with the music, just the right mixture of pace for me, although I'm perfectly open to experience new styles etc. Don't want to restrict myself to any one type, mix it up a bit you know.

Even better if venues have more than one style in the same place, different rooms, different sets etc.
Even better if venues have more than one style in the same place, different rooms, different sets etc.[/quote]

Cocoon @ Amnesia - is one party that you should go to because there is wicked techno in the main room, and quality house in the garden. The music is so good in both areas that it is difficult to decide between them.
Manumission for sure...i guess i've learnt it's a one time experience you can't i go to ibiza again this year and this time manumission
[/quote]Cocoon @ Amnesia - is one party that you should go to[/quote]

No doubt...

Sven vath is f***ing f***ing wicked f***ing shit to f***ing. No doubt.