RECO DES SOL Apartments and nights out !


Active Member
Can anyone tell me how far away from the action they are? I'm hoping walking distance to Sunset strip, west end and Eden/ Es Paradis. Going out 8th Sep for my 1st visit.
10th Sep at Pacha ( Perfecto closing ) looks like the big one for me. Any advice about this would be appreciated too.
Thanks, Hook.
We Spent a fortnight in the Reco Des Sol Apts and just got back a week ago!!

When we first arrived we thought we were in the middle of nowhere as the coach driver seemed to come in the back road to them. but then we realised that they are just around the corner from the beach and the promenade, We were well impressed with the Apts, they were a good size, very modern (The place looks as if it was totally refurbished not too long ago) and well Air Conditioned (Tip: cut out a bit of card to fit in the electricity slot so when you go out the A/C stays on, you'll know what I mean when you get there)
As for distance, they are close to a ten minute walk along the promenade to Bar M, Es Paradis, Eden etc, another five or so to the west end and about a further five to the sunset strip (dont let this put you off as its definitely not as bad as it may sound because you are walking along the beach so there is plenty to see) They were really handy for us beacause they were just accross the road from the Radio 1 Site.

You can Get the Water Taxi for €1.80 but we only did this once as they only run every half hour so you are just as quick walking, there is a bus stop outside the hotel so I'm sure you could get the bus as well, A taxi Charges €5 from the west end.

As for Perfecto we went on the 6/8 had a really good nite so would really recommend the closing party the nite had a really mixed crowd Locals/Tourists/gay/Str8, Oakenfold played a good set whith some unexpected choons like U2 which went down really well!

I'll leave it there, if you have any more questions about the Apts give me a shout.
Thanks, that's top quality info. I'm looking forward to it even more now. I've stayed in hotels with the electricity slot b4 so I'll do that.
Is there any other nights you recomend, I want to go to Cream @ Amnesia and maybe Judgement Sunday on our first night there, and my good lady really wants to see Roger Sanchez on the Monday, what do you reckon??
didn't go to Judgement Sunday and didn't see Rodger Sanchez
Athough there are some people on here who don't reckon much to it, Cream Amnesia on the 8/8 with Tiesto was the best nite of our whole Fortnight!!!! Fcuk This I'm getting depressed even thinking about it roll on the next visit :P

Have a good one!!